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Split values in cell D onto next line????

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Apr 5, 2003
My Excel spreadsheet is setup like this:

Cell A Cell B Cell C Cell D
John Smith Yes Alberta,Ontario,Quebec

How can I code it so that I can turn that into this:

Cell A Cell B Cell C Cell D
John Smith Yes Alberta
John Smith Yes Ontario
John Smith Yes Quebec

Basically take the values in Cell D (where there is a comma) and it add to the next row containing the other values in Cell A, B, and C

Help is appreciated.....

Before asking for new help, why not "closing" your other threads, signaling if the suggestion worked for you for benefit of other members having same issue as you had ?
Here's a sub that loops backwards through column D all the way to row 1. If a cell in column D contains one or more commas, then blank rows are inserted below that point to receive copies of the data in columns A:C as well as the data in column D split at the commas. This sub goes in a regular modules sheet.
Sub SplitAddress()
Dim X As Variant
Dim rg As Range
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = Cells(65536, 4).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
    If Cells(i, 4) <> "" Then
        X = Split(Cells(i, 4), ",")
        j = UBound(X) + 1
        If j > 1 Then
            Range(Cells(i + 1, 4), Cells(i + j - 1, 4)).EntireRow.Insert
            Set rg = Range(Cells(i, 4), Cells(i + j - 1, 4))
            rg.Value = Application.Transpose(X)
            Range(rg.Offset(0, -3), rg.Offset(0, -1)).Value = Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 3)).Value
        End If
    End If
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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