Technical User
- Sep 23, 2002
- 376
I have two lots of code. One lists articles for display, and click on the item and that story appears. It works well.
If one of the stories is long, I want it to appear bit by bit, or page by page, using the term [PAGEBREAK].
This code works fine. But – being short of knowledge – I don’t know where to put it in the first code. My efforts so far stop both codes from working.
Be most grateful for guidance, please.
Code 1:
//display individual records
if($id) {
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM maystu WHERE MayID=$id", $db);
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
printf("<h4>%s\n</h4>", $myrow["Headline"]);
printf(" %s\n<br>", $myrow["NewsStory"]);
//from laura teeple tecktips 11/5/05
if ($myrow["Byline"])
printf("<div class=\"names2\">- %s</div>",
//printf("<div class=\"names2\">- %s</div>", $myrow["Byline"]);
printf("Bulletin: %s",
date("F d", strtotime($myrow["NewsDate"])));
} else {
//show archives list
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM maystu ORDER BY NewsDate DESC", $db);
if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
//display list if there are records to display
do {
//line below for formatting the teaser text
printf("<a href=\"%s?id=%s\">
<font size=\"3\">%s</font></a><br>
%s\n<br> <font color=\"#999999\">
date("F d", strtotime($myrow["NewsDate"]))); //To return Year just add Y beside "M d Y",
} while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));
} else {
echo "Sorry, nuttin' found";
Code 2:
//======== p a g e b r e a k s
$NewsStory = $joke['NewsStory'];
// If no page requested, default to the first page ($page = 0)
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
$page = 0;
} else {
$page = $_GET['page'];
// divide text into an array of pages
$textarray = spliti('\[PAGEBREAK]', $NewsStory);
// Select the wanted page
$joketext = $textarray[$page];
if ($page != 0) {
$prevpage = $page - 1;
echo "<p><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?id=$id&page=$prevpage\">".
'Previous Page</a></p>';
echo "<p>$joketext</p>";
if ($page < count($textarray) - 1) {
$nextpage = $page + 1;
echo "<p><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?id=$id&page=$nextpage\">".
'Next Page</a></p>';
If one of the stories is long, I want it to appear bit by bit, or page by page, using the term [PAGEBREAK].
This code works fine. But – being short of knowledge – I don’t know where to put it in the first code. My efforts so far stop both codes from working.
Be most grateful for guidance, please.
Code 1:
//display individual records
if($id) {
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM maystu WHERE MayID=$id", $db);
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
printf("<h4>%s\n</h4>", $myrow["Headline"]);
printf(" %s\n<br>", $myrow["NewsStory"]);
//from laura teeple tecktips 11/5/05
if ($myrow["Byline"])
printf("<div class=\"names2\">- %s</div>",
//printf("<div class=\"names2\">- %s</div>", $myrow["Byline"]);
printf("Bulletin: %s",
date("F d", strtotime($myrow["NewsDate"])));
} else {
//show archives list
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM maystu ORDER BY NewsDate DESC", $db);
if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
//display list if there are records to display
do {
//line below for formatting the teaser text
printf("<a href=\"%s?id=%s\">
<font size=\"3\">%s</font></a><br>
%s\n<br> <font color=\"#999999\">
date("F d", strtotime($myrow["NewsDate"]))); //To return Year just add Y beside "M d Y",
} while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));
} else {
echo "Sorry, nuttin' found";
Code 2:
//======== p a g e b r e a k s
$NewsStory = $joke['NewsStory'];
// If no page requested, default to the first page ($page = 0)
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
$page = 0;
} else {
$page = $_GET['page'];
// divide text into an array of pages
$textarray = spliti('\[PAGEBREAK]', $NewsStory);
// Select the wanted page
$joketext = $textarray[$page];
if ($page != 0) {
$prevpage = $page - 1;
echo "<p><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?id=$id&page=$prevpage\">".
'Previous Page</a></p>';
echo "<p>$joketext</p>";
if ($page < count($textarray) - 1) {
$nextpage = $page + 1;
echo "<p><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?id=$id&page=$nextpage\">".
'Next Page</a></p>';