I found very interesting some ideas in the previous topic (i.e. "Speeding up this process") because that's a generic problem we are often facing.
If you are kind, what about gathering some ideas under a generic topic (like this one) about do's and dont's and no-no's in order to speed up processes.
- What about using FOR clause in an Index?
- I understand it is better to SET INDEDX first and then SET FILTER (or is it the other way?); why?
- Indexing is good and speeds up but where is the limit? what if you get LARGE .cdx files
- and above all: all that in a shared networked environnement
Thank you
I found very interesting some ideas in the previous topic (i.e. "Speeding up this process") because that's a generic problem we are often facing.
If you are kind, what about gathering some ideas under a generic topic (like this one) about do's and dont's and no-no's in order to speed up processes.
- What about using FOR clause in an Index?
- I understand it is better to SET INDEDX first and then SET FILTER (or is it the other way?); why?
- Indexing is good and speeds up but where is the limit? what if you get LARGE .cdx files
- and above all: all that in a shared networked environnement
Thank you