I have been given the task of speeding up our unacceptably slow backups. We use BAB 11.5 enterprise on a fast server with a library capable of 8 SDLT320 drives but only two fitted. There are two jobs configured and both use disk staging to (supossedly) make the backups faster. Of the average 40 hours a full backup takes, around thirty hours is taken by the staging and only 10 hours by migrating from disk to tape.
I can see that some of the 30 sources are much slower than others and it's clear that any bottlenecks are in the network or sources rather than at the tape server.
My first improvement was to set the migrations to start at the end of each staging sub-job so that the 10 hours of migration is mostly layered over the 30 hours of staging. I think prioritising the slowest sources to stage first will further help this.
What I would really like is to have the equivalent of multi-streaming or multiplexing for the disk staging. Would I be right in believing the best way to make this happen is to get more tape drives and then split the existing jobs into smaller ones, with the slow clients spread evenly over the jobs. In this way, each job will perform staging at the current slow rate, but I will have more staging jobs running concurrently and the total job time will drop.
If there is another way to conveniently get more staging jobs running concurrently, I would really appreciate hearing your opinion...
I can see that some of the 30 sources are much slower than others and it's clear that any bottlenecks are in the network or sources rather than at the tape server.
My first improvement was to set the migrations to start at the end of each staging sub-job so that the 10 hours of migration is mostly layered over the 30 hours of staging. I think prioritising the slowest sources to stage first will further help this.
What I would really like is to have the equivalent of multi-streaming or multiplexing for the disk staging. Would I be right in believing the best way to make this happen is to get more tape drives and then split the existing jobs into smaller ones, with the slow clients spread evenly over the jobs. In this way, each job will perform staging at the current slow rate, but I will have more staging jobs running concurrently and the total job time will drop.
If there is another way to conveniently get more staging jobs running concurrently, I would really appreciate hearing your opinion...