Is there any known speed problem using ASP generated by Frontpage 2K ?
Intranet Server : NT 4.0 /IIS 4.0
I have used the FP wizard to set up a data connection to an Oracle database, to perform a simple SQL select statement. Over an intranet, I could compare the performance against a CGI program (provided with PC Soft's WEBDEV) accessing Oracle through a native access (so not using ODBC) to fetch exactly the same data. The ASP access was easily 10 times slower.
Any idea ? Is there anything that could have been not so well set up concerning ASP (e.g. IIS 4) or is it the ASP generated by FP 2K?
Intranet Server : NT 4.0 /IIS 4.0
I have used the FP wizard to set up a data connection to an Oracle database, to perform a simple SQL select statement. Over an intranet, I could compare the performance against a CGI program (provided with PC Soft's WEBDEV) accessing Oracle through a native access (so not using ODBC) to fetch exactly the same data. The ASP access was easily 10 times slower.
Any idea ? Is there anything that could have been not so well set up concerning ASP (e.g. IIS 4) or is it the ASP generated by FP 2K?