Have an existing report that includes Finished Goods (FG) for Open Orders. Manager requested to be able to run report with either Open Orders FG or ALL FG inventory.
An order's completion status can be C, F, H, O, P, X; C-completed, X-cancelled, the others are various open statuses.
The Open Orders criteria in the query for COMPLETION_STATUS (status of the order) is: <> "C" And <> "X". I realize: In ("F","H","O","P") is equivalent.
Added a frame on the form:
[Include Finished Goods For...]
o Open Orders (Only)
o All Finished Goods
But I don't know how to get from the user's selection (Open or ALL) into the query criteria. Here's coding, when user clicks "Run Report" button, I thought might work (Commented the assignment because of error message:
'Content - All FG or Open Orders FG
If fraContent = 1 Then
'strContent = '"C","F","H","O","P","X"'
'strContent = '"F","H","O","P"'
End If
Me.txtContentHide = strContent
Then in the Criteria of the query would have:
In ([Forms]![Aged FG Open Orders]![txtContentHide])
Nope. That's dead in the water. How close am I?
An order's completion status can be C, F, H, O, P, X; C-completed, X-cancelled, the others are various open statuses.
The Open Orders criteria in the query for COMPLETION_STATUS (status of the order) is: <> "C" And <> "X". I realize: In ("F","H","O","P") is equivalent.
Added a frame on the form:
[Include Finished Goods For...]
o Open Orders (Only)
o All Finished Goods
But I don't know how to get from the user's selection (Open or ALL) into the query criteria. Here's coding, when user clicks "Run Report" button, I thought might work (Commented the assignment because of error message:
'Content - All FG or Open Orders FG
If fraContent = 1 Then
'strContent = '"C","F","H","O","P","X"'
'strContent = '"F","H","O","P"'
End If
Me.txtContentHide = strContent
Then in the Criteria of the query would have:
In ([Forms]![Aged FG Open Orders]![txtContentHide])
Nope. That's dead in the water. How close am I?