Technical User
Hi I'am having an issue I am running a possible 6 sessions that I will be flipping between and to scrape info from.
I keep on getting an error that the Specified session is not available error -2147200922(80040200)
I'm just trying with 2 sessions now.
the name of the possibe sessions could vary depending on the selections they chose.
in the array the s(i) is picking up the session names of CPI1 and CPI3 but it is erroring on the Do while line.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I keep on getting an error that the Specified session is not available error -2147200922(80040200)
ReDim s(1 To Sessions.Count)
For sess = 1 To Sessions.Count
s(sess) = Sessions.Item(sess).Name
If StrComp(Sessions.Item(sess).Name, "Extra", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Exit For
Next sess
For i = 1 To Sessions.Count
Do While Sessions(s(i)).Connected <> 1
I'm just trying with 2 sessions now.
the name of the possibe sessions could vary depending on the selections they chose.
in the array the s(i) is picking up the session names of CPI1 and CPI3 but it is erroring on the Do while line.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.