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Specific layout 1

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Technical User
Oct 22, 2004
I want to display a table in a specific way.
Matchnames(Wedstrijdnaam) as toprow
Firstname + Lastname in second column
Perc in crosscell
"Empty Cell" | Match1 | Match2 | Match3
Firstname+Lastname | Perc (for this match) | Perc | -- (when there's no score for this match

Here's the script I use now, this displays everything vertically.
Thanks in advance !
 require_once('../../Connections/ASN.php'); ?>
mysql_select_db($database_ASN, $ASN);
    $query="SELECT `wedstrijd`.`Naam` AS `Wedstrijd`,`klasse`.`Klasse`,`overzicht`.`Voornaam` AS `Voornaam`,`deelnemer`.`Naam` AS `Achternaam` , `overzicht`.`Percentage` AS `Perc` FROM `overzicht` INNER JOIN `deelnemer` ON (`overzicht`.`DeelnemerId` = `deelnemer`.`Id`) INNER JOIN `wedstrijd` ON (`overzicht`.`WedstrijdId` = `wedstrijd`.`Id`) INNER JOIN `klasse` ON (`overzicht`.`KlasseId` = `klasse`.`Id`) WHERE (`klasseID` = 1)";
    $result = mysql_query ($query)
        or die ("Query failed");

    // printing HTML result

    print "<table>\n";
    $cnt = 0;
    while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)):
        print "\t<tr>\n";
        if ($cnt === 0):
            foreach ($line  as $key=>$val):
                echo "<td>$key</td>";
            echo "</tr><tr>";
        foreach ($line as $val):
            print "\t\t<td>$val</td>\n";
        print "\t</tr>\n";
    print "</table>\n";
it's just a question of outputting <td> </td> etc at the right point

if not all your data for each block is in a single row, you may have to read all the data into an array or set of arrays first
Hi jpadie,
Thanks for your reply.
Can you provide an example how to read into sets of arrays and how to call the data then ?
Oke, got the matchnames beneath eachother, but want them besides eachother (toprow)
please advise..

$Match="SELECT DISTINCT `wedstrijd`.`Naam` AS `Wedstrijd` FROM `overzicht` LEFT OUTER JOIN `wedstrijd` ON (`overzicht`.`WedstrijdId` = `wedstrijd`.`Id`)";
$res = mysql_query ($Match)
        or die ("Match Query failed");
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$wnaam= $row['Wedstrijd'];
$wnames = array ($wnaam);

print '<html><body><table border=1>';

$table_width = 30;
$table_counter = 0;
foreach ($wnames as $theelement)
    if ($table_counter == 0)
        print '<tr><td';
    print '<td>' . $theelement . '</td>';
    if ($table_counter == $table_width)
        print '</td>';
        $table_counter = 0;

for ($counter = 0; $counter < $table_width - $table_counter; $counter++)
    //print '<td> </td>';

print '</table></body></html>';
so you have a recordset full of matchnames.

echo "<table><tr>";
$cnt =0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results):
  if ($cnt === 30):
    echo "</tr><tr>";
echo "</tr></table>";
Hi jpadie,
Probably doing something stupid, but I get parse error all the time om line 12 > while ($row........
Replaced the semicolon with { but no success
Any suggestions ?
This is the complete code:
mysql_select_db($database_ASN, $ASN);
$Match="SELECT DISTINCT `wedstrijd`.`Naam` AS `Wedstrijd` FROM `overzicht` LEFT OUTER JOIN `wedstrijd` ON (`overzicht`.`WedstrijdId` = `wedstrijd`.`Id`)";
$res = mysql_query ($Match)
        or die ("Match Query failed");
echo "<table><tr>";
$cnt =0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res){
   if ($cnt === 30){
    echo "</tr><tr>";
echo "</tr></table>";
it needs two closing brackets. also the if statement within it has had its syntax mixed. either:
if (criterion): //colon

else: //colon
endif; //semicolon
if (criterion) { //open curly brace

} else { //close - open curly braces

} //close curly brace
Oke, that's clear (didn't know this) but anyhow.. still getting the error..
pasted your original example in the code but there's no difference..
BTW Thank you very much for helping me out!!!

$Match="SELECT DISTINCT `wedstrijd`.`Naam` AS `Wedstrijd` FROM `overzicht` LEFT OUTER JOIN `wedstrijd` ON (`overzicht`.`WedstrijdId` = `wedstrijd`.`Id`)";
$res = mysql_query ($Match)
        or die ("Match Query failed");
echo "<table><tr>";
$cnt =0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results):
  if ($cnt === 30):
    echo "</tr><tr>";
echo "</tr></table>";
it still needs two closing brackets!

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)): //extra close bracket
Oops.. missed that..! Sorry and thanks again..
Oke, now this:
How do I combine this code with the previous ?
Output from this code is the Klasse, firstname lastname en Perc (this is the competitors result.
But this result has to link to the match in which he got this result of course..
 $query="SELECT `klasse`.`Klasse`,`overzicht`.`Voornaam` AS `Voornaam`,`deelnemer`.`Naam` AS `Achternaam` , `overzicht`.`Percentage` AS `Perc` FROM `overzicht` INNER JOIN `deelnemer` ON (`overzicht`.`DeelnemerId` = `deelnemer`.`Id`) INNER JOIN `wedstrijd` ON (`overzicht`.`WedstrijdId` = `wedstrijd`.`Id`) INNER JOIN `klasse` ON (`overzicht`.`KlasseId` = `klasse`.`Id`) WHERE (`klasseID` = 1)";
    $result = mysql_query ($query)
        or die ("Query failed");

    // printing HTML result

    print "<table>\n";
    $cnt = 0;
    while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)):
        print "\t<tr>\n";
        if ($cnt === 0):
            foreach ($line  as $key=>$val):
                echo "<td>$key</td>";
            echo "</tr><tr>";
        foreach ($line as $val):
            print "\t\t<td>$val</td>\n";
        print "\t</tr>\n";
    print "</table>\n";
can you post your table structures and a couple of lines of output from the query you have included in the post above.
Table structure "overzicht":
`WedstrijdId` decimal(10,0) NOT NULL default '0', `Voornaam` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `DeelnemerId` decimal(10,0) NOT NULL default '0', `KlasseId` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`Percentage` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00')

Output from query in last post:
Voornaam Achternaam Perc //This isn't needed neither
Pietje Puk 0.85
Pietje Puk 0.80
Pietje Puk 0.52
Arie Dekker 0.86
Arie Dekker 0.90
Arie Dekker 0.90
The results you see, are from matches.( I imported three matches for testing)
I was thinking that names of competitors should only appear once and with their results in the column of the match, which you created in the posts above.
is there a maximum number of matches you want to display? and matches are on the x-axis, people on the y-axis?
No maximum on matches (last year there were 20, this year (until now) there are 20, could become more..
Yes Matches displayed horizontal (that is the x-axis right?(can't get that in my head..) and people vertical
so it's however many matches there are? and i guess it's possible that a particular player does not play in a particular match?

i think you may have to reverse your query so that you are pulling up match, name, score so that we can be certain the table will work.
so it's however many matches there are? and i guess it's possible that a particular player does not play in a particular match?
Yep and correct. :)
i think you may have to reverse your query so that you are pulling up match, name, score so that we can be certain the table will work.
Like this?:
`wedstrijd`.`Naam` AS `Wedstrijd`,
`Voornaam` AS `Voornaam`,
`deelnemer`.`Naam` AS `Achternaam` , 
`overzicht`.`Percentage` AS `Perc`
 FROM `overzicht` 
INNER JOIN `deelnemer` ON (`overzicht`.`DeelnemerId` = `deelnemer`.`Id`)
 INNER JOIN `wedstrijd` ON (`overzicht`.`WedstrijdId` = `wedstrijd`.`Id`) 
INNER JOIN `klasse` ON (`overzicht`.`KlasseId` = `klasse`.`Id`) 
WHERE (`klasseID` = 1)
RH Challenge OKP Pietje Puk 0,52
RH Challenge OKP Theo Schoen 0,74
PGein OKP Harry Hofstad 0,98
PGein OKP Hans Eger 0,81
PGein OKP Rinus Bree 0,68

Note: I'm already selting in the query the OKP Klasse, so no need to display.
sorry for delay - real work intervenes!

here is some code for you to try. i couldn't work out whether klasse was a function of the race or the athlete so i have ignored it.

i also think that there may be another way of doing this that is more elegant, with fewer nested loops, but (i) it's nearly 2 am my time; and (ii) with only 30 races max you are hardly going to notice the difference!

note i've also changed the AS clause to naam as i kept spelling wedstrijd wrong (despite having a dutch wife).

lastly i have not been able to test this code for anything other than parse errors as i don't have your table structure replicated nor dummy date to insert.

$sql = "SELECT 
`wedstrijd`.`Naam` AS `naam`,
`Voornaam` AS `Voornaam`,
`deelnemer`.`Naam` AS `Achternaam` , 
`overzicht`.`Percentage` AS `Perc`
 FROM `overzicht` 
INNER JOIN `deelnemer` ON (`overzicht`.`DeelnemerId` = `deelnemer`.`Id`)
 INNER JOIN `wedstrijd` ON (`overzicht`.`WedstrijdId` = `wedstrijd`.`Id`) 
INNER JOIN `klasse` ON (`overzicht`.`KlasseId` = `klasse`.`Id`) 
WHERE (`klasseID` = 1);

//$result = mysql_query ($sql) or die ("Query failed ".mysql_error());

    // printing HTML result
//first read everything into arrays

/* used for debug
$rows[] = array("naam"=>"RH Challenge","Voornaam"=> "Pietje", "Achternaam"=> "Puk", "Perc"=>"0,52");
$rows[] = array("naam"=>"RH Challenge","Voornaam"=> "Theo", "Achternaam"=> "Schoen", "Perc"=>"0.74");
$rows[] = array("naam"=>"PGein","Voornaam"=> "Harry", "Achternaam"=> "Hofstad", "Perc"=>"0.98");
$rows[] = array("naam"=>"PGein","Voornaam"=> "Hans", "Achternaam"=> "Eger", "Perc"=>"0.81");
$rows[] = array("naam"=>"PGein","Voornaam"=> "Rinus", "Achternaam"=> "Bree", "Perc"=>"0.68");

//read every row into arrays
$athletes = array();
$races = array();

while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)):
	//first the race
	if (!in_array($row['naam'],$races)):	//this builds an array of race names for later use
		$races[] = $row['naam'];
	$athletes[$row['Voornaam']." ".$row['achternaam']][$row['naam']] = $row['Perc'];

foreach ($rows as $row):	//first the race
	if (!in_array($row['naam'],$races)):	//this builds an array of race names for later use
		$races[] = $row['naam'];
	$athletes[$row['Voornaam']." ".$row['Achternaam']][$row['naam']] = $row['Perc'];

//we now have two nicely formed arrays
//alphabetise the races 
//start the table plot
foreach ($races as $val):
?> <th><?=$val?></th> <?
//now the header rows are down
foreach ($athletes as $key=>$val):	//athletes names are stored in the key
	foreach($races as $race):
		$perc = isset($val[$race]) ? $val[$race] : "DNC"; //DNC is did not compete
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