I have problem. I created Runing Total Field sum value. I have data
first page, second page
1 4
2 1
3 2
//RuningTotalField for pages have value
------- -------
6 13
but I want to this value add number 4. So I want
------- -------
10 17
Can You help me?
I have only one problem. Sometime in first row on first page formula return value 6. I don't know why. I give some different formula to report. Can different formula change this value? I use different numbervar.
If you use the same variable in a different formula that is accumulating, it would change the value. But since you say you are using a different variable, I'm guessing that you have some suppressed records that are being counted. If you are conditionally suppressing records, then you need to build the suppression criteria into the accumulation formula, as in:
numbervar rt;
if {table.field} <> "x" then
rt := rt + 1;
this is my code, but I want to pierwszy return sum from page so I write
pageheader -
numbervar pierwszy := 0;
than I have this effect (first value is add twice).
I can't see why this should occur. Do you have any groups with repeating group headers? If so, you shouldn't have any of the variable formulas in the group header.
Oh Yes! Thank You very much. I don't know why, but when I remove all groups from my report is good. I didn't haved variable in this group. Important that is good.
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