I have come about a situation were I don't know how to resolve.
We have a design software that does kitchens cabinets, and outputs code to different CNC machines. In this software there is a small module to manage offcuts. (btw. all the data in this software is stored in Access databses of different versions, that I CAN NOT MODIFIY).
So what I have done is as follow: I have made a new database and linked the table were these offcuts have to be stored in order for the software to be able to use them. Now this database I have put on the computers in the shop so that the guys can put in there offcuts has they cut the jobs. Everything is working fine, except for one small but important detail.
The linked table tblOffcuts does not have an indexed field, instead the index is managed by the software. It has a OffcutNO feild, but the problem is has I delete these records (has does offcuts get used for other jobs) well the offcutNO changes.
So if I have offcutNO 1,2,3,4,5, and I use number 3 then everything gets reindexed has to have a continuous string 1,2,3,4.
The way I have it set up is the guys in the shop would use that offcutNO to label the parts for later retreval, but the numbers changes evrytime one gets taken out.
Does anyone know how I could resolve this?
I have to come up with a way of making a unique no for each one of these parts, but based on what? The offcutNO changes so....this table also has these fields: MatID (material ID), Lenght, Width, Qty, and of course OffcutNo (which chages with every delete).
Keep in mind I can not modify the table tblOffcuts, because it is part of an other software, and that database is in Access95 version.
I have come about a situation were I don't know how to resolve.
We have a design software that does kitchens cabinets, and outputs code to different CNC machines. In this software there is a small module to manage offcuts. (btw. all the data in this software is stored in Access databses of different versions, that I CAN NOT MODIFIY).
So what I have done is as follow: I have made a new database and linked the table were these offcuts have to be stored in order for the software to be able to use them. Now this database I have put on the computers in the shop so that the guys can put in there offcuts has they cut the jobs. Everything is working fine, except for one small but important detail.
The linked table tblOffcuts does not have an indexed field, instead the index is managed by the software. It has a OffcutNO feild, but the problem is has I delete these records (has does offcuts get used for other jobs) well the offcutNO changes.
So if I have offcutNO 1,2,3,4,5, and I use number 3 then everything gets reindexed has to have a continuous string 1,2,3,4.
The way I have it set up is the guys in the shop would use that offcutNO to label the parts for later retreval, but the numbers changes evrytime one gets taken out.
Does anyone know how I could resolve this?
I have to come up with a way of making a unique no for each one of these parts, but based on what? The offcutNO changes so....this table also has these fields: MatID (material ID), Lenght, Width, Qty, and of course OffcutNo (which chages with every delete).
Keep in mind I can not modify the table tblOffcuts, because it is part of an other software, and that database is in Access95 version.