I have a sparc 10 running solaris 7. When plugged into a sun monitor it works fine. However I need to connect it to a compaq v55 monitor and have a couple of adapters (that plug into the back of the sparc and provide a VGA port).
The Compaq monitor can do at least 1024x768 - but when I start the machine, I do not get any output to the monitor at all.
Any help much appreciated
I have a sparc 10 running solaris 7. When plugged into a sun monitor it works fine. However I need to connect it to a compaq v55 monitor and have a couple of adapters (that plug into the back of the sparc and provide a VGA port).
The Compaq monitor can do at least 1024x768 - but when I start the machine, I do not get any output to the monitor at all.
Any help much appreciated