I have recently setup postfix+fetchmail+spamassassin+dovecot imap/pop3 server
I have a couple of users setup to download mail via imap
and I am trying to get spamassassin to mark spams correctly.
My problem is that no spam is marked at all. If I run spamd in debug mode I can see the mail coming in and being checked. Usually saying its a clean msg, for example:
[25855] info: spamd: processing message <YzI5elFITnZjMk5oYkdkaGNua3VZMjl0Cg==@plutocable.com> for spamfilter:504
[25855] info: spamd: clean message (1.0/5.0) for spamfilter:504 in 2.0 seconds, 7042 bytes.
At the client end I can check the email headers and see evidence of SA at work, basically the same info that spamd is giving me.
I have tried using sa-learn to teach SA but to no avail.
I suspect that I have something misconfigured because nothing is getting marked as spam.
I have a couple of users setup to download mail via imap
and I am trying to get spamassassin to mark spams correctly.
My problem is that no spam is marked at all. If I run spamd in debug mode I can see the mail coming in and being checked. Usually saying its a clean msg, for example:
[25855] info: spamd: processing message <YzI5elFITnZjMk5oYkdkaGNua3VZMjl0Cg==@plutocable.com> for spamfilter:504
[25855] info: spamd: clean message (1.0/5.0) for spamfilter:504 in 2.0 seconds, 7042 bytes.
At the client end I can check the email headers and see evidence of SA at work, basically the same info that spamd is giving me.
I have tried using sa-learn to teach SA but to no avail.
I suspect that I have something misconfigured because nothing is getting marked as spam.