Hello. I'm using SMSSMTP 4.1 to filter the incoming email. It's working just fine, but I have a question. Right now, I have the bounced spams being forwarded to a mailbox so I can review for false positives. It works very well, but the thing that bothers me is the fact that it forwards all the email for my domain regardless of the destination email (real or not). 90% of the spams that get bounced are not real recipients and can just be dropped (or not forwarded at all!) but I can't figure any way to get it to do that.
I was thinking of ways I could have an exchange rule do the work for me, but I'd really prefer the messages not even reach the exchange server at all...
Any suggestions?
I was thinking of ways I could have an exchange rule do the work for me, but I'd really prefer the messages not even reach the exchange server at all...
Any suggestions?