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Jan 9, 2002
My email(Outlook Express) is getting innundated with spam. I've tried a popular blocker software and it stops some but, man, it keeps on coming---any suggestions? I have also been getting several virus alerts daily on the various versions of the Netsky virus. My anti-virus software catches it but I would rather not have to immununize it and then delete it.
Suggestions would be appreciated on both counts.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Unfortunately, there's not much you can do. You'll get a "spam" from 1234.xyz and block it. The next day you'll get the same message from 234.xyz and the next day from 123.xyz. Now they are using "random letter" generators to address the spam. The only cure is to change your e-mail name on your address.
Setting up Outlook Express so that it does not open the preview pane will make your life alot easier. That way you can easily click on and delete any email you know is Spam or a possible virus without having it open on you the minute you click on it.
Once your email acount is out there and known, there's not a lot you can do to 'stop spam' other than change you email address on a fairly regular basis, but this may not be an option.

You can install a spam checker (I use Spam Inspector which is pretty good), which with a bit of training will move most of the spam to the bin before you get to see it. This is the option I would go for as it will filter your mail and do a pretty reasonable job. A fair number of spam filters give the option to 'bounce' the email back from whence it came, making the sender look like the email address no longer exists. This is a fairly pointless exercise (although it feels good!) as the address is rarely the true sender. My own email address has been used to send spam/virus'.

As a further piece of advice, I would look to move off outlook/outlook express. Every virus writer knows where outlook stores it's address book, and what format it is in. As a consequence, the majority of virus' that can be spread be email utilise this program. Try something else instead. I use Incredimail which is free and much more fun that Outlook.

Hope this helps.


The only real option, as mentioned by micker377 is to change

I tried to use Incredimail, but found the inability to "select" portions of a web site (for printing or e-mailing, a drawback. You can "copy and paste" the whole message, or nothing. Have they found a cure for this yet? I really liked the cute little dog to tell me I had new email!
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