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Space limit on /home ?

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Sep 29, 2000
I am pretty new to linux. I have installed RedHat 6.2 on a 450HHZ Pentium box with a 12 gig drive. I set it up as a secure ftp server. Each ftp user has a normal user account and password. Their /home/ftp/User directory contains a /ToUs and /FromUs directory. One of the users insists that when they already have a lot of large files uploaded, they are unable upload more as though there is some sort of space limitation per /home/... directory. The only thing I have found in Linuxconf that seems like it might be relevant is the Creation permissions in the directories tab of the Group specification screen. So I changed it from 700 to 10000 for the ftp group. This had no effect. Is there a default limit on file space for home directories or something of the sort? What else could be causing this? Is the user nuts? [sig][/sig]

Firstly, put the permissions back to 700 or as this has nothing to do with it.

It sounds like you may have quotas set up on your filesystems, to check this type 'repquota -a' in a shel (you must be logged in as root, you should see something like this....
# repquota -a
                                Block limits               File limits
        User            used    soft    hard  grace    used  soft  hard  grace
        root      --  175419       0       0          14679     0     0
        bin       --   18000       0       0            735     0     0
        uucp      --     729       0       0             23     0     0
        man       --      57       0       0             10     0     0
        user1     --   13046   15360   19200            806  1500  2250
        user2     --    2838    5120    6400            377  1000  1500
If there are limits set for the user then here lies the problem. A quick and dirty fix is to use the quotaoff command to disable all quota accounting, however it would probably be safer to negotiate limits with your user and set them up accordingly. The command to do this is 'edquota -u <username>' which will allow you to edit the limits for that user. NB you'll have to reboot for this to come into effect.

Check out for more info on quotas

Hope this helps [sig][/sig]
Thanks for the input Tardigrade, but I haven't set up any quotas. repquota -a just returns me to the command prompt. I looked at the Quota mini-HowTo and checked my fstab. The /dev/hda6 line reads / ext 2 defaults 1 1 . The user that is reporting this problem is a little flaky from time to time. I wonder if they're just doing somethig wrong sometimes when they try to upload.
Did you try duplicating the problem yourself as that user? One other good thing about being root B-) is the ability to become whatever user and duplicating the problem as them to ascertain if it's a problem with the user's account or the system in general. [sig]<p>Jon Zimmer<br><a href=mailto:b0rg@pcgeek.net>b0rg@pcgeek.net</a><br><a href= Aetea Information Technology</a><br>The software required `Windows 95 or better', so I installed Linux.<br>
How do u become another user while logged on as ROOT? [sig][/sig]
try the command
&quot;su <username>&quot;

AV [sig]<p>AV<br><a href=mailto:tnedor@yahoo.com>tnedor@yahoo.com</a><br>[/sig]
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