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space in file mtime

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Sep 26, 2011
I wrote a function to sort a list:
proc sortl {first second} {

	set f1 [glob -nocomplain -directory "F:/Tcl_project/images" $first]
	puts f1=$f1
	set t1 [clock format [file mtime "$f1"] -format %H%M%S]
	set f2 [glob -nocomplain -directory "F:/Tcl_project/images" $second]
	set t2 [clock format [file mtime "$f2"] -format %H%M%S]
	#puts $f2
	set res [string compare "$t1" "$t2"]
   if {$res != 0} {
		  return $res
	   } else {
		  return [string compare $t1 $t2]
but if the filename contains a space, then error:
could not read "{F:/Tcl_project/images/DESERT SPIRIT150X300_PRE.JPG}": no such file or directory
while executing
"file mtime "$f2""
(procedure "sortl" line 7)
invoked from within
(-compare command)
invoked from within
"lsort -command sortl $img"
invoked from within
"set im [lsort -command sortl $img]"
(file "iim.tcl" line 79)

help me please
The problem is not with spaces in the file name (if that's what you're suggesting). Consider:
% set fnam "x:/syseng/mus registry and file system requirements.doc"
x:/syseng/mus registry and file system requirements.doc
% file mtime $fnam
I can only conclude that, as the error message says, the file or path does not exist.

Bob Rashkin
The file exists. Since the if you remove the spaces from the file name, it's all right.

Example I create a list
foreach val [glob -nocomplain -directory "F:/Tcl_project/images/" *] {

	lappend img [file tail $val]
puts $img

and call the sort function

set im [lsort -command sortl $img]
Wait a minute. What are f1 and f2 (which I suppose depends on what "first" and "second" are)? You can't apply "file mtime .." to a list. glob returns a list.

Bob Rashkin
If I can't apply "file mtime .." to a list, how then do I sort the list by file creation time? And why it works, if the file name, no space?
First of all, I'm pretty sure "it" doesn't work regardless of spaces in file names or not, whatever "it" is:
% set lstA [glob e:/tcl/*.*]
e:/tcl/ah2ab.tcl e:/tcl/bmptst.tcl e:/tcl/cdoll.tcl e:/tcl/clientTst.tcl e:/tcl/cmdScrub.tcl e:/
tcl/cnvTH.tcl e:/tcl/cnvTH2.tcl e:/tcl/fixUPL.tcl e:/tcl/fndrpl.tcl e:/tcl/HxBnProcs.tcl e:/tcl/
imgtest.tcl e:/tcl/lis1245.tcl e:/tcl/LIS2MUS.tcl e:/tcl/lstbxTst.tcl e:/tcl/mde2mus.tcl e:/tcl/
mkAEHFgrdimg.tcl e:/tcl/mkDmp2.tcl e:/tcl/mkSimDmp.tcl e:/tcl/ms2date.tcl e:/tcl/rbtest.tcl e:/t
cl/rcImg.tcl e:/tcl/rnmpix.tcl e:/tcl/scrTbl.tcl e:/tcl/serverTst.tcl e:/tcl/setMcrI.tcl e:/tcl/
setSB.tcl e:/tcl/xflds.tcl
% file mtime $lstA
could not read "e:/tcl/ah2ab.tcl e:/tcl/bmptst.tcl e:/tcl/cdoll.tcl e:/tcl/clientTst.tcl e:/tcl/
cmdScrub.tcl e:/tcl/cnvTH.tcl e:/tcl/cnvTH2.tcl e:/tcl/fixUPL.tcl e:/tcl/fndrpl.tcl e:/tcl/HxBnP
rocs.tcl e:/tcl/imgtest.tcl e:/tcl/lis1245.tcl e:/tcl/LIS2MUS.tcl e:/tcl/lstbxTst.tcl e:/tcl/mde
2mus.tcl e:/tcl/mkAEHFgrdimg.tcl e:/tcl/mkDmp2.tcl e:/tcl/mkSimDmp.tcl e:/tcl/ms2date.tcl e:/tcl
/rbtest.tcl e:/tcl/rcImg.tcl e:/tcl/rnmpix.tcl e:/tcl/scrTbl.tcl e:/tcl/serverTst.tcl e:/tcl/set
McrI.tcl e:/tcl/setSB.tcl e:/tcl/xflds.tcl": no such file or directory
I think I would use the -command option in lsort:
% proc timesort {a b} {
if {[file mtime $a]<[file mtime $b]} {return -1} else {return 1}
% set lstB [lsort -command timesort $lstA]
e:/tcl/ms2date.tcl e:/tcl/setSB.tcl e:/tcl/setMcrI.tcl e:/tcl/cmdScrub.tcl e:/tcl/HxBnProcs.tcl
e:/tcl/ah2ab.tcl e:/tcl/mkAEHFgrdimg.tcl e:/tcl/mkSimDmp.tcl e:/tcl/mkDmp2.tcl e:/tcl/LIS2MUS.tc
l e:/tcl/lis1245.tcl e:/tcl/fixUPL.tcl e:/tcl/rcImg.tcl e:/tcl/cnvTH.tcl e:/tcl/mde2mus.tcl e:/t
cl/xflds.tcl e:/tcl/clientTst.tcl e:/tcl/serverTst.tcl e:/tcl/lstbxTst.tcl e:/tcl/cnvTH2.tcl e:/
tcl/scrTbl.tcl e:/tcl/fndrpl.tcl e:/tcl/rbtest.tcl e:/tcl/cdoll.tcl e:/tcl/rnmpix.tcl e:/tcl/bmp
tst.tcl e:/tcl/imgtest.tcl

Bob Rashkin
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