I've searched all over the web as well as Tek-Tips for an answer to my dilemma to no avail. Hoping the community can come to my aid on this one! I have a string time field (for example - 12.34.56) that I converted to a time/date field using CTime function in formula @Start Time. As a result, it gives the time displayed in the following format:
I am trying to display the time so there is a space between the time and the AM/PM designator:
12:34:56 PM
I have tried using the format field options, but I fear as though my only option is to create a formula to accomplish my goal... and I'm not sure where to start in this case. Should I be incorporating AMPMafter somewhere in my formula?
Please help!
I am trying to display the time so there is a space between the time and the AM/PM designator:
12:34:56 PM
I have tried using the format field options, but I fear as though my only option is to create a formula to accomplish my goal... and I'm not sure where to start in this case. Should I be incorporating AMPMafter somewhere in my formula?
Please help!