I have 3 tables (a, b, AND c) being accessed in an SP :-
A ref
amt 10 20 30
B ref
C ref
amt 20 40
curr USD EUR
There may be lots of different currency records for each A.ref
Similarly for C.
If A.ref = B.ref, then B.linkref matches to C.ref ,
to get associated records.
However, there might be currencies in A which don’t exist in C. (see examples above)
How do I get a sum of all amounts and associated amounts for the differeing A currencies,
without getting NULLs in my returns ?
I have tried something like (greatly simplified) :-
create procedure X ……… @REF
select "currency"=a.curr,
"value" = a.amt
from a
where a.ref = @REF
and not exists (select * from b where a.ref = b.ref)
select "currency"=a.curr.
"value" = convert(char(18),
((select isnull(c.amt,0)
from c, b
where b.ref = a.ref
and c.ref = b.linkref
and c.curr = a.curr) +a.amt))
from a
where a.ref = @REF
and exists (select * from b where A.ref = B.ref)
order by 1
This works OK for USD EUR, but I get Nulls coming back at me for GBP, which doesn’t exist in C
A ref
amt 10 20 30
B ref
C ref
amt 20 40
curr USD EUR
There may be lots of different currency records for each A.ref
Similarly for C.
If A.ref = B.ref, then B.linkref matches to C.ref ,
to get associated records.
However, there might be currencies in A which don’t exist in C. (see examples above)
How do I get a sum of all amounts and associated amounts for the differeing A currencies,
without getting NULLs in my returns ?
I have tried something like (greatly simplified) :-
create procedure X ……… @REF
select "currency"=a.curr,
"value" = a.amt
from a
where a.ref = @REF
and not exists (select * from b where a.ref = b.ref)
select "currency"=a.curr.
"value" = convert(char(18),
((select isnull(c.amt,0)
from c, b
where b.ref = a.ref
and c.ref = b.linkref
and c.curr = a.curr) +a.amt))
from a
where a.ref = @REF
and exists (select * from b where A.ref = B.ref)
order by 1
This works OK for USD EUR, but I get Nulls coming back at me for GBP, which doesn’t exist in C