Hi all,
I posted this in another forum by accident. To me it should be in this forum since its about data access.
I have created a stored procedure that I am using as my crystal report datasource in VB6. My SP has one paramater which is where I would have to pass in the table name. This is a temp table that will change every time the code is an for the report. Basically to allow multiple user to view the rpt at the same time.
My problem...
In VB6...I right-click on Designers to add a Crystal Report 9 rpt. Then I choose the Report Expert and select CrossTab. After that I choose my available datasource - which is my SP. After I select it it asked me for a Discrete Value or Set to NULL option. I cant supply a value so I set the null option and said OK. I can see the name of my SP under the Database Fields, but it does not show any of my columns. Can some help me understand whats going on? Here is my SP.
*What I would like to do is see a list of my columns and just place them in the detail section of my report.
Create Procedure PreAuthDenialStatisticRpt
-- @RetVal Int Output
@strTableName VarChar(50) -- tmp + login name + Table
-- Error message variables
Declare @ErrorMsg VarChar(300)
Declare @Error Int
Declare @strSQL VarChar(200)
Set @strSQL = ('Select DrugName, StatusAppoved, StatusDenied, StatusPending, StatusRecon, ' +
'StatusReconApproval, StatusReconDenials, StatusWithdrawn From ' + @strTableName )
Execute (@strSQL)
Select @ErrorMsg = 'The Following Error Occured: ' + Convert(VarChar(20),@@Error) + ' Error Ocurred During... PreAuthDenialStatisticRpt'
RaisError(@ErrorMsg,16, -1)
GoTo CleanUp
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not very familiar with Crystal reports.
here is part of my vb6 code:
strCrystalRptSQL = "EXEC PreAuthDenialStatisticRpt @strTableName = tmp" & strUserName & "Table"
Set rsData = Get_Recordset(strCrystalRptSQL)
Set Rpt.Dataset = rsData
Rpt.ReportName = gsReportName
Rpt.ReportComment = gsReportComment
Rpt.DisplayReport enmDenialStatistics, strTmpTableNam
Thank you, WebGuyToo
I posted this in another forum by accident. To me it should be in this forum since its about data access.
I have created a stored procedure that I am using as my crystal report datasource in VB6. My SP has one paramater which is where I would have to pass in the table name. This is a temp table that will change every time the code is an for the report. Basically to allow multiple user to view the rpt at the same time.
My problem...
In VB6...I right-click on Designers to add a Crystal Report 9 rpt. Then I choose the Report Expert and select CrossTab. After that I choose my available datasource - which is my SP. After I select it it asked me for a Discrete Value or Set to NULL option. I cant supply a value so I set the null option and said OK. I can see the name of my SP under the Database Fields, but it does not show any of my columns. Can some help me understand whats going on? Here is my SP.
*What I would like to do is see a list of my columns and just place them in the detail section of my report.
Create Procedure PreAuthDenialStatisticRpt
-- @RetVal Int Output
@strTableName VarChar(50) -- tmp + login name + Table
-- Error message variables
Declare @ErrorMsg VarChar(300)
Declare @Error Int
Declare @strSQL VarChar(200)
Set @strSQL = ('Select DrugName, StatusAppoved, StatusDenied, StatusPending, StatusRecon, ' +
'StatusReconApproval, StatusReconDenials, StatusWithdrawn From ' + @strTableName )
Execute (@strSQL)
Select @ErrorMsg = 'The Following Error Occured: ' + Convert(VarChar(20),@@Error) + ' Error Ocurred During... PreAuthDenialStatisticRpt'
RaisError(@ErrorMsg,16, -1)
GoTo CleanUp
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not very familiar with Crystal reports.
here is part of my vb6 code:
strCrystalRptSQL = "EXEC PreAuthDenialStatisticRpt @strTableName = tmp" & strUserName & "Table"
Set rsData = Get_Recordset(strCrystalRptSQL)
Set Rpt.Dataset = rsData
Rpt.ReportName = gsReportName
Rpt.ReportComment = gsReportComment
Rpt.DisplayReport enmDenialStatistics, strTmpTableNam
Thank you, WebGuyToo