Feb 4, 2007 #1 myuserid7 MIS Mar 2, 2005 111 ES Hi, Has anyone applied the CV6.1 SP3 on a Macintosh server. OSX 10.4 After I applied this, comserv says it can't communicate with the client. But I can still browse the remote servers filesystem. Thanks
Hi, Has anyone applied the CV6.1 SP3 on a Macintosh server. OSX 10.4 After I applied this, comserv says it can't communicate with the client. But I can still browse the remote servers filesystem. Thanks
Feb 13, 2007 Thread starter #3 myuserid7 MIS Mar 2, 2005 111 ES Thanks Birky, That is probably it. I still haven't had a chance to try the reboot. But I think that is the issue. cheers Upvote 0 Downvote
Thanks Birky, That is probably it. I still haven't had a chance to try the reboot. But I think that is the issue. cheers