I need to make a ftp script, going into many different source locations , which has also different known destinations.
To make this ftp script as easy as possible for non-programmers to edit the source and destinations I would like to use a seperate directory list with source locations and the destinations after.
/user/ftpid/* /extracts/incoming/inbox/
/user/craw/* /extracts/incoming/inbox2/
In other words, how can I assign temporary $source and $remote variables by using that list?
I need to read one line at the time, assigning the first "word" to a source varible, and the second "word" on the same line to a destination varible.
Any idea's ?
Thanks in advance.
I need to make a ftp script, going into many different source locations , which has also different known destinations.
To make this ftp script as easy as possible for non-programmers to edit the source and destinations I would like to use a seperate directory list with source locations and the destinations after.
/user/ftpid/* /extracts/incoming/inbox/
/user/craw/* /extracts/incoming/inbox2/
In other words, how can I assign temporary $source and $remote variables by using that list?
I need to read one line at the time, assigning the first "word" to a source varible, and the second "word" on the same line to a destination varible.
Any idea's ?
Thanks in advance.