Hello all. We shut down a sub-contracted overseas development team about 6 months ago and since then have completely deinstalled our 50 user Source Offsite license. It's here sitting in a box. I was wondering if this technology is in wide use and if so, where one might look to faciltate a transfer of this license. We have a legal license and registered log-in, and it's a free upgrade to the current version "classic 3.53". It was a $7,000 investment and it's sad to see it sit on the shelf.
My apologies if this is outside the spirit of the forum. I did search for any rules on postings and did not find any. If this is anyway inappropriate I apologize in advance.
My apologies if this is outside the spirit of the forum. I did search for any rules on postings and did not find any. If this is anyway inappropriate I apologize in advance.