I have a form called "frmImmunizations" that has four subforms
frmHepB_Immunization, frmMMR_Immunization, frmTd_Immunization and
they each populate an individual table
frmHepB_Immunization --> tblHepB_Immunization
frmMMR_Immunization --> tblMMR_Immunization
frmTd_Immunization --> tblTd_Immunization
frmVaricella_Immunization --> tblVaricella_Immunization
I want to use a command Button called cmdOK that is located on form "frmImmunizations"
to populate the contents of text boxes and combo boxes that are located in the forms
txtGivenHepB, cboAntiProHepB --> tblHepB_Immunization
txtGivenMMR, cboAntiProMMR --> tblMMR_Immunization
txtGivenTD, cboAntiProTD --> tblTd_Immunization
txtGivenVaricella, cboAntiProVaricella --> tblVaricella_Immunization
Each of these tables have the same Fields which are
PatientID, Given, Due and AntibodyPro
this is my code I used to connect the database
for the .Source will I have to change this to a join to select all four tables?? If yes I started the SQL statement below but
I am lost on how to inner join for than two table tables. Can someone help me finish the SQL statement and tell me if the
statement I have so far has the correct syntax??
Newbie in search of knowledge
frmHepB_Immunization, frmMMR_Immunization, frmTd_Immunization and
they each populate an individual table
frmHepB_Immunization --> tblHepB_Immunization
frmMMR_Immunization --> tblMMR_Immunization
frmTd_Immunization --> tblTd_Immunization
frmVaricella_Immunization --> tblVaricella_Immunization
I want to use a command Button called cmdOK that is located on form "frmImmunizations"
to populate the contents of text boxes and combo boxes that are located in the forms
txtGivenHepB, cboAntiProHepB --> tblHepB_Immunization
txtGivenMMR, cboAntiProMMR --> tblMMR_Immunization
txtGivenTD, cboAntiProTD --> tblTd_Immunization
txtGivenVaricella, cboAntiProVaricella --> tblVaricella_Immunization
Each of these tables have the same Fields which are
PatientID, Given, Due and AntibodyPro
this is my code I used to connect the database
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim varSelected As Variant
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.Properties("Data Source") = "C:\Documents and Settings\cspence\Desktop\PTDBVer1\PTDBVer1.mdb"
' .Properties("User ID") = TheUserID
' .Properties("Password") = ThePassword
' .Properties("Persist Security Info") = False
.Properties("Mode") = adModeShareDenyNone
End With
With rs
.ActiveConnection = cn
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
.CursorType = adOpenStatic
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Source = "SELECT * FROM tblPatientLanguage"
End With
End Sub
for the .Source will I have to change this to a join to select all four tables?? If yes I started the SQL statement below but
I am lost on how to inner join for than two table tables. Can someone help me finish the SQL statement and tell me if the
statement I have so far has the correct syntax??
.Source = " SELECT tblHepB_Immunization.Given, tblHepB_Immunization.AntibodyPro, tblMMR_Immunization.Given,
tblMMR_Immunization.AntibodyPro, tblTd_Immunization.Given, tblTd_Immunization.AntibodyPro, tblVaricella_Immunization.Given,
tblVaricella_Immunization.AntibodyPro FROM tblHepB_Immunization INNER JOIN tblMMR_Immunization ON
tblHepB_Immunization.PatientID = tblHepB_Immunization.PatientID INNER JOIN ??
Newbie in search of knowledge