yep, but, it can all be broken easily and quickly... if you have programming that you need to hide, do it sever-side... otherwise, there's no way to effectively hide your source code.
umm.. did I miss spell some thing on my first post? I said no right clicks! Not to be jurk off but please read. I already know how to do no right clicks.
var times=0
var times2=10
function click() {
if ((event.button==2) || (event.button==3)) {
if (times>=1) { bye() }
alert("ÐøÑ'T Ðô THåT"
times++ } }
function bye() {
alert("ÝøÛ WëRê WåRñÉÐ"
bye() }
Check this one out!
if you had gone ahead and read more... it contains more information... no right-click scripts just happen to be the first topic the site covers. anyways... it goes over the best ways to hide your source. you can also try to encrypt it.. there's a source code "encrypter" at
, but, its easily broken... i haven't seen any form of source code encryption that couldn't be broken within a few seconds.
anyways.. like its been said around here a million times or more, there's no good reason to want to hide your source. if you have info that you need to keep away from prying eyes... don't put it on the web. if a client doesnt want anyone ripping off his site... tell him there is no way to 100% hide source, but, you will make it more difficult, and follow the example above. if you dont want poeple stealing your scripts.. get over it. your code isnt any better than someone elses code. and, if source code wasn't freely available, where would you have learned how to code in the first place.
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