global type uo_progress_prozent from userobject
end type
type st_2 from statictext within uo_progress_prozent
end type
type st_prozent from statictext within uo_progress_prozent
end type
type st_1 from statictext within uo_progress_prozent
end type
type p_1 from picture within uo_progress_prozent
end type
end forward
global type uo_progress_prozent from userobject
integer width = 2130
integer height = 160
boolean border = true
long backcolor = 12632256
long tabtextcolor = 33554432
long picturemaskcolor = 536870912
st_2 st_2
st_prozent st_prozent
st_1 st_1
p_1 p_1
end type
global uo_progress_prozent uo_progress_prozent
type variables
decimal{8} idec_total_steps = 1
decimal{8} idec_akt_step = 0
end variables
forward prototypes
public subroutine of_set_steps (integer ai_steps)
public subroutine of_next_step ()
public subroutine of_set_all_steps ()
end prototypes
public subroutine of_next_step ();decimal{0} ldc_proz
IF idec_akt_step < idec_total_steps THEN
idec_akt_step ++
p_1.width = this.width * ( idec_akt_step / idec_total_steps)
ldc_proz = idec_akt_step / idec_total_steps * 100.0
st_prozent.text = string(ldc_proz) + " %"
p_1.width = this.width
st_prozent.text = "100 %"
end subroutine
public subroutine of_set_all_steps ();
idec_akt_step = idec_total_steps
p_1.width = this.width
st_prozent.text = "100 %"
end subroutine
on uo_progress_prozent.create
this.st_2=create st_2
this.st_prozent=create st_prozent
this.st_1=create st_1
this.p_1=create p_1
end on
on uo_progress_prozent.destroy
end on
event constructor;p_1.width = 0
end event
type st_2 from statictext within uo_progress_prozent
integer x = 517
integer width = 411
integer height = 76
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long backcolor = 12632256
boolean enabled = false
string text = "abgeschlossen"
alignment alignment = right!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type
type st_prozent from statictext within uo_progress_prozent
integer x = 325
integer width = 183
integer height = 76
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long backcolor = 12632256
boolean enabled = false
string text = "0 %"
alignment alignment = right!
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type
type st_1 from statictext within uo_progress_prozent
integer width = 315
integer height = 76
integer textsize = -10
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long backcolor = 12632256
boolean enabled = false
string text = "Vorgang zu"
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type
type p_1 from picture within uo_progress_prozent
integer y = 80
integer width = 2121
integer height = 72
string picturename = "media\process.bmp"
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type
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