I've got a question. I'm making a flash movie with many pages. I have each page saved as a movie clip. Within each of these movie clips, there is a narration sound file.
Up until now, I have had ff and rew buttons in each of these movie clips that go to the "_currentframe + 20" or"_currentframe - 20" in order to navigate through the sound.
My question is...is it possible to have these ff and rew buttons on the main timeline that would navigate within the movieclip that is currently playing. This way, I would only have to write one script as opposed to 50.
Up until now, I have had ff and rew buttons in each of these movie clips that go to the "_currentframe + 20" or"_currentframe - 20" in order to navigate through the sound.
My question is...is it possible to have these ff and rew buttons on the main timeline that would navigate within the movieclip that is currently playing. This way, I would only have to write one script as opposed to 50.