ell Latitude 640
NIC:3com 3c920 Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller(3c905c-TX compatible)
OS:sco open server 5.0.5
I download a driver for 3c905x(unix),and install on unix.
I reboot system after instllation.
I see something like this in screen:
device address vec dma comment
%e3h - 0 - 3com 3c90x/3c980,unit=0
3com 3c90x/3c980,unit 0:Vendor id 32902 not supported
when i enter into multi-user mode I can see:
dlpid:unable to open network adapter driver (/dev/mdi/e3H0)
dlpid:No such file or directory
/etc/slink: function "cenetb",dlbind
rotocol error 16
ifconfig :ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS):no such interface
I config the ip address as
but i cannot ping it successfully
it is hard to find such driver of the NIC.
Who can help me with it or who can provide 3com 3c905c-TX compatible driver under Unix.Thanks!!!
NIC:3com 3c920 Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller(3c905c-TX compatible)
OS:sco open server 5.0.5
I download a driver for 3c905x(unix),and install on unix.
I reboot system after instllation.
I see something like this in screen:
device address vec dma comment
%e3h - 0 - 3com 3c90x/3c980,unit=0
3com 3c90x/3c980,unit 0:Vendor id 32902 not supported
when i enter into multi-user mode I can see:
dlpid:unable to open network adapter driver (/dev/mdi/e3H0)
dlpid:No such file or directory
/etc/slink: function "cenetb",dlbind
ifconfig :ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS):no such interface
I config the ip address as
but i cannot ping it successfully
it is hard to find such driver of the NIC.
Who can help me with it or who can provide 3com 3c905c-TX compatible driver under Unix.Thanks!!!