I have got the following piece of code below, How do I get the recordset that it produces to sort? I have tried the SQL order by, but it won't have it. Please Please Please help me, this is the last functionality I need to complete a system!!
sSQL = "Select AdsPath FROM 'LDAP://uk-stv-sed1/dc=,dc=' where objectclass='Person' and uid='" & id & "'
Set cnADS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
cnADS.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
cnADS.Open "ADs Provider", "", ""
Set rsMine = cnADS.Execute(sSQL)
sSQL = "Select AdsPath FROM 'LDAP://uk-stv-sed1/dc=,dc=' where objectclass='Person' and uid='" & id & "'
Set cnADS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
cnADS.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
cnADS.Open "ADs Provider", "", ""
Set rsMine = cnADS.Execute(sSQL)