I have an asp page which goes through whatever the current folder is using a for..next loop. Every file it finds that is a DOC, XLS, or PDF gets displayed, the others get ignored.
Because it searches the folder as found on the server, the files get displayed alphabetically.
Is there a way of getting this to display the results without resorting to databases?
The current code goes like this:
Because it searches the folder as found on the server, the files get displayed alphabetically.
Is there a way of getting this to display the results without resorting to databases?
The current code goes like this:
For Each objFile in objFolderContents
'Response.write "strTypeFiles = " & strTypeFiles
If strTypeFiles="WordPad Document" Then
<td align=left>
<a href="<%=objFile.Name %>"><font face ="arial"><%=objFile.Name%></a></font><br>
<td align=right>
<%=objFile.DateLastModified %><BR></td></tr>