Im trying to sort a table alphabetically by last name using ASP through Access. Heres is my code below...<br><br><% Response.buffer = true%><br><HTML><br><HEAD><br><TITLE>Test</TITLE><br></HEAD><br><BODY><br><% Dim rs<br>Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset"<br>rs.Open "Personnel", "DSN=TOManning"<br><br>While Not rs.EOF<br>Response.Write "SSN : " & rs("SSN" & "<BR>"<br>Response.Write "First Name : " & rs("FNAME" & "<BR>"<br>Response.Write "Last Name : " & rs("LNAME" & "<BR>"<br><br>Response.Write "<br>"<br>rs.MoveNext<br>Wend<br><br>rs.Close<br>Set rs = Nothing %><br></BODY><br></HTML><br><br>Now everything prints out perfect except I cant figure out how it is determining the order at which it prints out. There seems to be no order at all, because it picks the names and puts them in a random order. It doesnt even go down the table, but it does put up all of the info from the table. How can i get this alphabetized by last name? <br><br>Thank you<br><br>-Brad