I created a fairly simple report that groups analysts by their user ID and does a count (total) of all of the assignments completed for a specified time period. Along with their name, it also list their unit and laboratory, like so:
Donna L. Koxxxxx East Lab 15 DRUG Cases
Brandon M. Pxxxx Central Lab 24 DRUG Cases
Susan L. Txxxx East Lab 26 TOX Cases
Allison M. Lxxx Central Lab 3 CRIM Cases
Nancy Malik Axxx North Lab 72 DRUG Cases
The name is derived in the grouping from the UserID, the lab is derived from a formula (if LabCode="E" then "East Lab) and the Unit (type of case) is directly from the table.
I would like the ouput to be sorted by unit and then LabCode (laboratory). In CR 8.5 I cannot find a way to do that.....
Heather A. GarohSouth Lab 38 DRUG Cases
Donna L. Koxxxxx East Lab 15 DRUG Cases
Brandon M. Pxxxx Central Lab 24 DRUG Cases
Susan L. Txxxx East Lab 26 TOX Cases
Allison M. Lxxx Central Lab 3 CRIM Cases
Nancy Malik Axxx North Lab 72 DRUG Cases
The name is derived in the grouping from the UserID, the lab is derived from a formula (if LabCode="E" then "East Lab) and the Unit (type of case) is directly from the table.
I would like the ouput to be sorted by unit and then LabCode (laboratory). In CR 8.5 I cannot find a way to do that.....
Heather A. GarohSouth Lab 38 DRUG Cases