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Jan 24, 2001
OK, folks, I've been trying to figure this out, but I'm not getting anywhere. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have a discussion board on my intranet site, and I am working on sorting the threads by thread name, number of messages, and last post. So far, I have it so the user can click on the column heading and the threads will sort on that column. I defined the sort order. By thread name, which is the default, it is in ascending order. Number of messages and last post are in descending order. I accomplished this by making the column heading a link to itself and passing URL variables. What I trying to get to is this, if the user clicks on the same heading again, the sort order will reverse. Any ideas?

Thanks! Calista :-X
Jedi Knight,
Champion of the Force
Define sort order by cookie... and then just say...

a href="?origsort=#currentcolumnheadingsort#&newsort=#columnheadingtodefinethesort#"

and then in application.cfm
<CFPARAM name=&quot;cookie.sortway&quot; default=&quot;ASC&quot;>
<cfif currentcolumnheadingsort is columnheadingtodefinethesort>
<CFIF cookie.sortway is &quot;ASC&quot;>
<CFCOOKIE name=&quot;SortWay&quot; value=&quot;DESC&quot; expires=&quot;NEVER&quot;>
<CFCOOKIE name=&quot;SortWay&quot; value=&quot;DESC&quot; expires=&quot;NEVER&quot;>

and then just utilize cookie.sortway in your sql order by statement.
oops.. use this

<cfif currentcolumnheadingsort is columnheadingtodefinethesort>
<CFIF cookie.sortway is &quot;ASC&quot;>
<CFCOOKIE name=&quot;SortWay&quot; value=&quot;DESC&quot; expires=&quot;NEVER&quot;>
<CFCOOKIE name=&quot;SortWay&quot; value=&quot;ASC&quot; expires=&quot;NEVER&quot;>
Been thinking about a simple way of doing this forever; thanks a bunch Webmidget!

One question though: I already have the following code in my application.cfm file for my login checker. Should I place the columnsort code into the file as well? I'm just curious as to if and how much i can stuff into the application.cfm file for future purposes.

<cfapplication name=&quot;loginApp&quot; sessionmanagement=&quot;Yes&quot; clientmanagement=&quot;yes&quot; sessiontimeout=&quot;20&quot;>
<cfparam name=&quot;Session.UserName&quot; default=&quot;&quot;>
<cfparam name=&quot;Session.Password&quot; default=&quot;&quot;>
Still trying to implement the cookie sort; any chance you have an example?

Nope no examples.. that was my theory on the fly...

Need some help? Let me know..

I'm on AIM as : Webmigit
Here's the full code for anyone who wants it...

<CFPARAM name=&quot;cookie.SortWay&quot; default=&quot;ASC&quot;>
<CFPARAM name=&quot;cookie.oSort&quot; default=&quot;DEFAULTCOLUMNHEADINGTOSORTBY&quot;>
<CFPARAM name=&quot;newSort&quot; default=&quot;&quot;>
<CFPARAM name=&quot;origSort&quot; default=&quot;&quot;>

<CFIF len(origsort) gt 0>
<CFIF cookie.oSort is &quot;#newsort#&quot;>
<CFIF cookie.SortWay is &quot;ASC&quot;>
<CFCOOKIE name=&quot;SortWay&quot; value=&quot;DESC&quot; expires=&quot;NEVER&quot;>
<CFCOOKIE name=&quot;SortWay&quot; value=&quot;ASC&quot; expires=&quot;NEVER&quot;>
<CFCOOKIE name=&quot;oSort&quot; value=&quot;#origsort#&quot; expires=&quot;NEVER&quot;>
Thanks, webmigit! That sounds like it will do the trick! Calista :-X
Jedi Knight,
Champion of the Force
Hey, webmigit! I got this working, and it looks great! But, there's just one little thing I haven't been able to figure out. I have three columns I am sorting. For column 1, the default is ASC, which is fine. However, for columns 2 and 3, I want the default to be DESC. So, your first click on column 2 or 3 should be in descending order. How do I do this? Thanks a million for the code! I doubt I would have ever thought of using cookies. Calista :-X
Jedi Knight,
Champion of the Force
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