I have a multidimensional array that I need to sort based
on the column of the array.
I found a function that can sort the multidimensional array
based on the column, but it only works with the MD array
that has the format of array(col, row). I want to sort the
multidimensional array based on the column with the array
format of array(row, col) instead.
I modified the function to be able to sort the array with the
format of array(row, col), but it can only output up to
three records after sorting.
Below is my test code and the function. I need help with the
function so that it can handle the MD array with more than
three records.
Any help or direction will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Dim myArray(4,2)
'myArray(row, col)
myArray(0, 0) = "Toyota"
myArray(0, 1) = "White"
myArray(0, 2) = "22,000.00"
myArray(1, 0) = "Ford"
myArray(1, 1) = "Blue"
myArray(1, 2) = "12,500.00"
myArray(2, 0) = "Porsche"
myArray(2, 1) = "Red"
myArray(2, 2) = "50,000.00"
myArray(3, 0) = "BMW"
myArray(3, 1) = "Yellow"
myArray(3, 2) = "26,000.00"
myArray(4, 0) = "Honda"
myArray(4, 1) = "Silver"
myArray(4, 2) = "25,000.00"
Wscript.Echo "Unsorted array"
j = 0
Wscript.Echo "No." & " | " & "Brand" & " | " & "Color" & " | " & "Price"
For i = 0 To UBound(myArray)
j = j + 1 ' col, row col, row col, row
Wscript.Echo j & " | " & myArray(i,0) & " | " & myArray(i,1) & " | " & myArray(i,2)
Wscript.Echo "Sorted array"
sortedArray = arraysort(myArray, 0, "a")
j = 0
Wscript.Echo "No." & " | " & "Brand" & " | " & "Color" & " | " & "Price"
For i = 0 To UBound(sortedArray, 2)
j = j + 1 ' col, row col, row col, row
Wscript.Echo j & " | " & sortedArray(i,0) & " | " & sortedArray(i,1) & " | " & sortedArray(i,2)
Function arraysort(values(),intSortCol,strDirection)
Dim i, j, value, value_j, min, max, temp, datatype
Dim intComp, intA, intCheckIndex
min = LBound(values)
max = UBound(values)
' check to see what direction you want to sort.
If Lcase(strDirection) = "a" Then
intComp = -1
intComp = 1
End If
If intSortCol < 0 or intSortCol > UBound(values,2) Then
arraysort = values
Exit Function
End If
'find the first item which has valid data in it to sort
intCheckIndex = min
While Len(Trim(values(intCheckIndex,intSortCol))) = 0 And _
intCheckIndex < UBound(values,2)
intCheckIndex = intCheckIndex + 1
If isDate(Trim(values(intCheckIndex,intSortCol))) Then
datatype = 1
If isNumeric(Trim(values(intCheckIndex,intSortCol))) Then
datatype = 2
datatype = 0
End If
End If
For i = min To max - 1
value = values(i,intSortCol)
value_j = i
For j = i + 1 To max
Select Case datatype
Case 0
'See if values(j) is smaller. Works with strings now.
If strComp(values(j,intSortCol),value,vbTextCompare) = intComp Then
'Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
Case 1
If intComp = -1 Then
If DateDiff("s",values(j,intSortCol),value) > 0 Then
'Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
If DateDiff("s",values(j,intSortCol),value) < 0 Then
'Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
End If
Case 2
If intComp = -1 Then
If Cdbl(values(j,intSortCol)) < Cdbl(value) Then
' Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
If Cdbl(values(j,intSortCol)) > Cdbl(value) Then
'Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
End If
End Select
Next 'j
If value_j <> i Then
'Swap items i and value_j.
For intA = 0 To UBound(values,2)
temp = values(value_j,intA)
values(value_j,intA) = values(i,intA)
values(i,intA) = temp
Next 'intA
End If
Next 'i
arraysort = values
End Function
I have a multidimensional array that I need to sort based
on the column of the array.
I found a function that can sort the multidimensional array
based on the column, but it only works with the MD array
that has the format of array(col, row). I want to sort the
multidimensional array based on the column with the array
format of array(row, col) instead.
I modified the function to be able to sort the array with the
format of array(row, col), but it can only output up to
three records after sorting.
Below is my test code and the function. I need help with the
function so that it can handle the MD array with more than
three records.
Any help or direction will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Dim myArray(4,2)
'myArray(row, col)
myArray(0, 0) = "Toyota"
myArray(0, 1) = "White"
myArray(0, 2) = "22,000.00"
myArray(1, 0) = "Ford"
myArray(1, 1) = "Blue"
myArray(1, 2) = "12,500.00"
myArray(2, 0) = "Porsche"
myArray(2, 1) = "Red"
myArray(2, 2) = "50,000.00"
myArray(3, 0) = "BMW"
myArray(3, 1) = "Yellow"
myArray(3, 2) = "26,000.00"
myArray(4, 0) = "Honda"
myArray(4, 1) = "Silver"
myArray(4, 2) = "25,000.00"
Wscript.Echo "Unsorted array"
j = 0
Wscript.Echo "No." & " | " & "Brand" & " | " & "Color" & " | " & "Price"
For i = 0 To UBound(myArray)
j = j + 1 ' col, row col, row col, row
Wscript.Echo j & " | " & myArray(i,0) & " | " & myArray(i,1) & " | " & myArray(i,2)
Wscript.Echo "Sorted array"
sortedArray = arraysort(myArray, 0, "a")
j = 0
Wscript.Echo "No." & " | " & "Brand" & " | " & "Color" & " | " & "Price"
For i = 0 To UBound(sortedArray, 2)
j = j + 1 ' col, row col, row col, row
Wscript.Echo j & " | " & sortedArray(i,0) & " | " & sortedArray(i,1) & " | " & sortedArray(i,2)
Function arraysort(values(),intSortCol,strDirection)
Dim i, j, value, value_j, min, max, temp, datatype
Dim intComp, intA, intCheckIndex
min = LBound(values)
max = UBound(values)
' check to see what direction you want to sort.
If Lcase(strDirection) = "a" Then
intComp = -1
intComp = 1
End If
If intSortCol < 0 or intSortCol > UBound(values,2) Then
arraysort = values
Exit Function
End If
'find the first item which has valid data in it to sort
intCheckIndex = min
While Len(Trim(values(intCheckIndex,intSortCol))) = 0 And _
intCheckIndex < UBound(values,2)
intCheckIndex = intCheckIndex + 1
If isDate(Trim(values(intCheckIndex,intSortCol))) Then
datatype = 1
If isNumeric(Trim(values(intCheckIndex,intSortCol))) Then
datatype = 2
datatype = 0
End If
End If
For i = min To max - 1
value = values(i,intSortCol)
value_j = i
For j = i + 1 To max
Select Case datatype
Case 0
'See if values(j) is smaller. Works with strings now.
If strComp(values(j,intSortCol),value,vbTextCompare) = intComp Then
'Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
Case 1
If intComp = -1 Then
If DateDiff("s",values(j,intSortCol),value) > 0 Then
'Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
If DateDiff("s",values(j,intSortCol),value) < 0 Then
'Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
End If
Case 2
If intComp = -1 Then
If Cdbl(values(j,intSortCol)) < Cdbl(value) Then
' Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
If Cdbl(values(j,intSortCol)) > Cdbl(value) Then
'Save the new smallest value.
value = values(j,intSortCol)
value_j = j
End If
End If
End Select
Next 'j
If value_j <> i Then
'Swap items i and value_j.
For intA = 0 To UBound(values,2)
temp = values(value_j,intA)
values(value_j,intA) = values(i,intA)
values(i,intA) = temp
Next 'intA
End If
Next 'i
arraysort = values
End Function