Rich (BB code):
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim CL As Integer, RW As Integer, CN As Long
'Static blAscending As Boolean
With Me.MSFlexGrid1
RW = .MouseRow
If Me.LNR.Caption >= 1 Then
CN = Me.LNR.Caption
If .MouseCol = 1 And Button = vbLeftButton And RW = 0 Then
'.Visible = False
.Redraw = False
.RowSel = CN
.ColSel = 52
If strSort = 1 Then
.Sort = 3
strSort = 2
'If Not blAscending Then
.Sort = 4
strSort = 1
'blAscending = False
End If
.TopRow = 1
.Redraw = True
'.Visible = True
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
i have formatted the date in (hide) column 52 with:
.TextMatrix(R, 52) = Format(STRDBROW(1, K), "yyyymmddhhnnss")
the date in array have thuis format: dd/mm/yyyyy