My Customer Service group wants me to update all quotes in the database that have a certain item number to have a certain commntid.
So they went into one quote, created the new commntid & linked that ITEM to the NEW comment.
I went into SOP10200 and updated all of the applicable COMMNTID fields (since there were over 250 of them). Now two basic problems 1) if they go into a quote that had a previous commntid in it and they click on the little glass (even though it says the NEW comment) the OLD comment shows up. 2) if you go into a quote that did NOT previously have a COMMNTID filled in you have to reselct it (even though again - it shows in the field)...
ok - I give - where is the additional link since I do not see it on SOP10200?
So they went into one quote, created the new commntid & linked that ITEM to the NEW comment.
I went into SOP10200 and updated all of the applicable COMMNTID fields (since there were over 250 of them). Now two basic problems 1) if they go into a quote that had a previous commntid in it and they click on the little glass (even though it says the NEW comment) the OLD comment shows up. 2) if you go into a quote that did NOT previously have a COMMNTID filled in you have to reselct it (even though again - it shows in the field)...
ok - I give - where is the additional link since I do not see it on SOP10200?