I've discovered that is pingable from inside my 10.1.1x network.
It appears to belong to a mikrotik on my WISP's network.
I've verified using Packet Monitor that when I ping it goes out my WAN interface.
My question is I thought it was standard practice to block the routing of "Private" IP space thru wan ports.
Since sonicwall doesn't seem to do this by default, what is my best approach to blocking all RFC 1918 traffic thru the wan?
Thank you,
It appears to belong to a mikrotik on my WISP's network.
I've verified using Packet Monitor that when I ping it goes out my WAN interface.
My question is I thought it was standard practice to block the routing of "Private" IP space thru wan ports.
Since sonicwall doesn't seem to do this by default, what is my best approach to blocking all RFC 1918 traffic thru the wan?
Thank you,