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something wrong w/ my comp

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Dec 19, 2000
ok, i just installed a new amd t-bird 1ghz chip (socket), and for about 10 seconds, the comp ran fine, and then, the cpu fan went on, then off, then on, then off... until i turned it off of course. Then when i turned it back on, after a while i started smelling something burning, so i quickly pulled the plug, and checked my cpu temp (my finger), it was quite hot. evidentally, those little pads stickered onto the cpu are not sposed to be there. :)

so now, whenever i press the power button (on switch), the cpu fan stays on, but my moniter doesnt turn on, like, the light is a yellowish color, not the bright green that means its working. I have checked all the cords/cables/ whatnot, but if you think it may be one of them, lemme know. :)
and yes, i have checked the video card a thousand times. PLZ HELP ME!!!

gah, i hate buying expensive equipment.

hope i didnt fry the chip....

- Rusty
Without a logic probe to verify that the cpu is clocking I would guess that you probably fried it. Or rather it self destructed from lack of heat dissipation and possible overvoltage application.
Power cycling of the fan is also an indication that the power supply is struggling. Did you have enough power to the board? Ed Fair

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hrmm... well, im using a 250 watt psu until my new 350 gets here. :)

I prolly fried it, and im extremely pissed! i dont wanna have to send it back, but I guess I will. :(

anyways, my mainboard is an k7vza, (up to 1.5 ghz)

any other help would be very nice. :)

- Rusty
Do you get any beeps when you power on the system? These beeps can help narrow down the problem.
the chip is fried, dont worry just exchange it for another one, it has a warranty isn' it? make sure you put thermal grease on top of the chip when you are installing the cpu fan.
ok, here is a question for you, how much thermal gunk do i put on the chip? the paste wont damage any of the chips components?
and if i fried my chip, is there a chance that my m/b is screwed over as well?

to the contrary, my chip's warranty was lost when it got overheated... some warranty eh?

course, i guess i could just claim that i never received thechip. :)


anyways, im out 155 bucks, and im REALLY trying HARD to keep happy, so if you know of any good deals, PLZ LET ME KNOW!!!!!


- Rusty
Minimum amount of paste to give 100% coverage. You need 100% to avoid hot spots.
Won't hurt chips but it is poison so wash you hands.
Unlikely that you hurt the M/B.
Yours is not the first that has suffered the same fate. At least you didn't have to spend hours troubleshooting to find that only one part of the circuits failed.
You might also want to double check the jumper settings for the M/B. Ed Fair

Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply.

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The little pad belongs to the cooling fan / heatsink.

Because the CPU got so hot the pad has transfered itself from the heatsink to the chip.

I'd check your cooling fan out and would'nt even attempt to run a new cpu until that is sorted.

well, i forgot to take off those little sticky pads on the cpu when it came. so i dont think the heat sink was actually touching the cpu. So, are we talking less than paper thin? or just thin enough so that it all evens out, and the heat sink touches everything?

(im talking about the thermal gunk. :)

- Rusty
Basically to fill the voids. Paper thin will be fine. Ed Fair

Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply.

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A mate of mine had a problem with his graphics card not being detected and this sounds similar. He had a 250Watt PSU and it worked fine, until he switched the thing off after it had warmed up, then switched it back on again. The resistance in the PSU had increased just enough for the graphics card to not work properly. He swapped it for a 300W and it's fine now.

These AMD's are VERY power hungry so you need 300 or about for it to work well. As for the chip, well are you talking about the four little pads at the corners of the CPU? If yes, then they stay on, they're only very spongy so won't stop the Heatsink from touching.

Anyways, that's what I thought might be the problem. Hope it helps!

Good Luck :) !
All I can say is leave the pads on the next cpu you buy they are supposed to be their or you will crack the die.

I had a VERY similar problem....i put my new motherboard and CPU and cards etc into a new taller case. i put the little screws in before the i installed the motherboard into the case - you know, those little gold stud things that the motherboard screws go into.....the thing is.....i had put oo many in, and there were 2 near the CPu underneath the were shorting the board....it was swithing on like yours, and the display wasnt doint anything..the monitor lights were flashing and the hard disk wasnt turning...so i unscrewed the 2 studs that were causing the shorting underneath the motherboard, and all was well....nothing fried.....which i was VERY happy about...anyway, i hope my little story helps...
before you throw anything away or spend any money always revert back to basics.
remove M/B from case remove any cards other than video
make sure M/B not shorting on anything and switch on with M/B out of case.
if still no joy, can processor be tried in another PC?
You said you were using a 250w PS?

Before you send anything back I suggest you try it with the 350W PS you said you were getting...I had a friend you got exactly the same processor, suffered a very similer problem (only this was a 200w PS) and when he changed PS (case actually), the whole thing worked fine.

OK, so he didn't get the burning smell, but it worth testing first. Thunderbirds are REALLY power hungry.
well, i already ordered a new chip + m/b combo. :)

this one comes w/ a year warrantee, and a heat sink and fan, etc...

so this way, i wont have to worry bout anything, it should work perfectly, which I will make sure. I guess this was a lesson for me, BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WHEN HANDLING EXPENSIVE PRODUCTS!!!

I tried the chip in one of my friends comps, w/ the exact same m/b i have, and he said that the chip did not work. although, he has a duron processor in his comp... are the durons not a power hungry as the t-birds? I already got a VERY NICE new psu. ^_^, its a 350 watt. I got the fan off of a peltier cooler, so i donno how good it is, other than it should be pretty good.....

aaaanyways, thx a lot for ya'll guys's help!

- Rusty
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