Something is severly wrong in Active Directory. I have never seen anything happen like this... File associations keep disappearing on random desktop PCs. This is even occuring on PCs that have been reloaded, so I know it has to be something progagating down for AD.
What happens: files with either a .TIF, .JPG, .BMP, or .PDF all the sudden will not open when they are doubleclicked. When you look in the "Registered file types" within My Computer >> Tools >> Folder Options they are listed as being associated with an application to open them, but it doesn't work. Only after you delete the association and then re-create it does it work correctly again? Can AD manage these settings?
What happens: files with either a .TIF, .JPG, .BMP, or .PDF all the sudden will not open when they are doubleclicked. When you look in the "Registered file types" within My Computer >> Tools >> Folder Options they are listed as being associated with an application to open them, but it doesn't work. Only after you delete the association and then re-create it does it work correctly again? Can AD manage these settings?