While executing stored procedures(using TADOCommand object) which doesn't return record set(just perform some processing) exception Stack Overflow is thrown. The error occurs in the line below
ADODataSet1->Recordset = ADOCommand1->Execute
At the same time the error handling results in nothing. After debugger moves this line second time application closes reporting access violation somethere in the ADO library.
The subject is: does somebody know(or guess) how to avoid this failure ? It's strongly unwanted to make two branches
of procedures which returns data and return nothing.
ADODataSet1->Recordset = ADOCommand1->Execute
At the same time the error handling results in nothing. After debugger moves this line second time application closes reporting access violation somethere in the ADO library.
The subject is: does somebody know(or guess) how to avoid this failure ? It's strongly unwanted to make two branches
of procedures which returns data and return nothing.