I have some PHP scripts that execute basic LDAP queries against Windows 2008 AD. These work fine. I'd like to switch to LDAPS but I can't get it to work. I'm not able to bind. I've made sure that LDAPS works on the AD server by using the Windows tool LDP.EXE locally and from the Apache server (Windows 7). I've changed the host to various flavors of ldaps://host.domain.com (with the S, without the S, with the port, without the port) in the PHP but that part should be the simplest. I've added the following to httpd.conf:
CA64.cer is the CA certificate that is used on the 2008 AD server. If it matters, SSL is enabled on the Apache web server as ell. Apache version is 2.2.17. PHP version is 5.3.6.
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_BASE64 "C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/conf/ssl/CA64.cer"
LDAPTrustedMode SSL
LDAPVerifyServerCert Off
CA64.cer is the CA certificate that is used on the 2008 AD server. If it matters, SSL is enabled on the Apache web server as ell. Apache version is 2.2.17. PHP version is 5.3.6.