I just got the "Interactive image slideshow with text description" and I find it a potentially brilliant idea for my site. The only setback is: I'll need to somehow insert a different link with every change of picture/text. Where it read "Description" I have replaced "Site", and for each picture turn there will be a different Site name, the names of which I will need to create different links for. (see html below)
I have tried to insert the usual linking html in numerous places, but to no avail.
I'm really hoping there is a simple solution....
I've looked through quite a few sites with other slideshows, but none with what I need ~ if this script is not alterable, ...maybe another slideshow entirely?
I'll be away until next week, but the importance of this to me is utmost... ~ I can't wait to get this resolved.. MANY THANX..., and to whomsoever solves the riddle, I'll be happy to link your site...... ~: )
Sincerely, William.
O, and if it makes any difference, the Site name does not have to be where the link is created each time...;
it can be the picture or a seperate line saying "GO" , "GO" being the link.... (???)
<p align="center"><input type="button" name="btnPrev" value="<< Previous" onfiltered="Prev();"> <input type="button" name="bntPlay" value="Play - Stop" onfiltered="Play()"> <input type="button" name="btnNext" value=" Next >> " onfiltered="Next();"></p>
<p align="center"><img name="_Ath_Slide" onfiltered="OnImgLoad()"> </p>
<p align="center"><b>SITE: <SPAN id="_Ath_FileName"></b> </SPAN> <br>
<b>Number of Pictures: <SPAN id="_Ath_Img_X"></b>2</SPAN> <strong>of</strong> <b><SPAN id="_Ath_Img_N"></b>4</SPAN> </p>
<p align="center"><script language="__JavaScript1.2" event="onload"
<script language="__JavaScript1.2">
Interactive Image slideshow with text description
By Christian Carlessi Salvadó (cocolinks@c.net.gt)
For full source code to this script and more, visit */
g_fPlayMode = 0;
g_iimg = 0;
g_imax = 0;
g_ImageTable = new Array();
function ChangeImage(fFwd)
if (fFwd)
if (++g_iimg==g_imax)
if (g_iimg==0)
function Update(){
document.all._Ath_Slide.src = g_ImageTable[g_iimg][0];
document.all._Ath_FileName.innerHTML = g_ImageTable[g_iimg][1];
document.all._Ath_Img_X.innerHTML = g_iimg + 1;
document.all._Ath_Img_N.innerHTML = g_imax;
function Play()
g_fPlayMode = !g_fPlayMode;
if (g_fPlayMode)
btnPrev.disabled = btnNext.disabled = true;
btnPrev.disabled = btnNext.disabled = false;
function OnImgLoad()
if (g_fPlayMode)
window.setTimeout("Tick()", g_dwTimeOutSec*1000);
function Tick()
if (g_fPlayMode)
function Prev()
function Next()
function main()
////configure below variables/////////////////////////////
//configure the below images and description to your own.
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "SITE NAME TO BE A LINK"
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "Bike Rider"
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "Soccer Player"
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "Wath Out!!"
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "Hurry Up!"
//extend the above list as desired
////End configuration/////////////////////////////
I just got the "Interactive image slideshow with text description" and I find it a potentially brilliant idea for my site. The only setback is: I'll need to somehow insert a different link with every change of picture/text. Where it read "Description" I have replaced "Site", and for each picture turn there will be a different Site name, the names of which I will need to create different links for. (see html below)
I have tried to insert the usual linking html in numerous places, but to no avail.
I'm really hoping there is a simple solution....
I've looked through quite a few sites with other slideshows, but none with what I need ~ if this script is not alterable, ...maybe another slideshow entirely?
I'll be away until next week, but the importance of this to me is utmost... ~ I can't wait to get this resolved.. MANY THANX..., and to whomsoever solves the riddle, I'll be happy to link your site...... ~: )
Sincerely, William.
O, and if it makes any difference, the Site name does not have to be where the link is created each time...;
it can be the picture or a seperate line saying "GO" , "GO" being the link.... (???)
<p align="center"><input type="button" name="btnPrev" value="<< Previous" onfiltered="Prev();"> <input type="button" name="bntPlay" value="Play - Stop" onfiltered="Play()"> <input type="button" name="btnNext" value=" Next >> " onfiltered="Next();"></p>
<p align="center"><img name="_Ath_Slide" onfiltered="OnImgLoad()"> </p>
<p align="center"><b>SITE: <SPAN id="_Ath_FileName"></b> </SPAN> <br>
<b>Number of Pictures: <SPAN id="_Ath_Img_X"></b>2</SPAN> <strong>of</strong> <b><SPAN id="_Ath_Img_N"></b>4</SPAN> </p>
<p align="center"><script language="__JavaScript1.2" event="onload"
<script language="__JavaScript1.2">
Interactive Image slideshow with text description
By Christian Carlessi Salvadó (cocolinks@c.net.gt)
For full source code to this script and more, visit */
g_fPlayMode = 0;
g_iimg = 0;
g_imax = 0;
g_ImageTable = new Array();
function ChangeImage(fFwd)
if (fFwd)
if (++g_iimg==g_imax)
if (g_iimg==0)
function Update(){
document.all._Ath_Slide.src = g_ImageTable[g_iimg][0];
document.all._Ath_FileName.innerHTML = g_ImageTable[g_iimg][1];
document.all._Ath_Img_X.innerHTML = g_iimg + 1;
document.all._Ath_Img_N.innerHTML = g_imax;
function Play()
g_fPlayMode = !g_fPlayMode;
if (g_fPlayMode)
btnPrev.disabled = btnNext.disabled = true;
btnPrev.disabled = btnNext.disabled = false;
function OnImgLoad()
if (g_fPlayMode)
window.setTimeout("Tick()", g_dwTimeOutSec*1000);
function Tick()
if (g_fPlayMode)
function Prev()
function Next()
function main()
////configure below variables/////////////////////////////
//configure the below images and description to your own.
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "SITE NAME TO BE A LINK"
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "Bike Rider"
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "Soccer Player"
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "Wath Out!!"
g_ImageTable[g_imax++] = new Array (" "Hurry Up!"
//extend the above list as desired
////End configuration/////////////////////////////