I heard that there's a feature in AnywhereSQL(supposed to be a commercial DBMS) which almost totally removes the difference between working with a DB server and working witha DB local copy (used by a local user only).
It would be very useful to know if there's such feature in PostgreSQL, and how you do that.
Once again, if I was unclear:
As far as I know the developer often needs to write different code to manage a DB server and a local copy of DataBase. Is there any way to use Postgre without tweaking a server-using code to make it work with a local copy?
It would be very useful to know if there's such feature in PostgreSQL, and how you do that.
Once again, if I was unclear:
As far as I know the developer often needs to write different code to manage a DB server and a local copy of DataBase. Is there any way to use Postgre without tweaking a server-using code to make it work with a local copy?