Hello all.
I'm attempting to use the PECL Solr (0.9.7) library to interact with a Solr database (1.4). This is running on IIS (I'm pretty sure IIS 6).
I can't seem to find there error on this.
When the trouble line is commented out (or I change the function to getRawResponse()), I have no problems and I can see the xml response from Solr and everything appears fine.
With the getResponse() function though I get a FastCGI Error, -2147467259 (0x80004005). I've been trying various things to get information as to WHY: such as try...catch, @(to try an fail silently), but I just keep getting the FastCGI error. Anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this?
I'm attempting to use the PECL Solr (0.9.7) library to interact with a Solr database (1.4). This is running on IIS (I'm pretty sure IIS 6).
I can't seem to find there error on this.
$db = new SolrClient(array('hostname' => 'server', 'port' => 8080, 'path' => '/mypath/'));
$query = '...'; //query removed for security
$params = array('sort' => 'score desc, field2 desc');
$squery = new SolrQuery();
if( is_array($params) && count($params) > 0 ){
foreach($params as $pname => $pvalue)
$squery->addParam($pname, $pvalue);
$re = null;
$r = $db->query($squery);
$re = $r->getResponse(); //trouble lines on this line
With the getResponse() function though I get a FastCGI Error, -2147467259 (0x80004005). I've been trying various things to get information as to WHY: such as try...catch, @(to try an fail silently), but I just keep getting the FastCGI error. Anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this?