I am trying to mount a Solaris 8 sparc box to AIX 5.3. When I try the mount command I get a Segmentation Fault Core Dump (tried from 2 Sol 8 boxes with the same result.) Any suggestions on where to dig would be greatly appreciated.
AIX config
The error from snoop on the solaris 8 side
AIX config
Change Attributes of an Exported Directory
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[TOP] [Entry Fields]
* Pathname of directory to export /export/project
Anonymous UID [-2]
Public filesystem? [no] +
* Change export now, system restart or both both +
Pathname of alternate exports file []
Allow access by NFS versions []
External name of directory (NFS V4 access only) []
Security method [sys,krb5p,krb5i,krb5,dh,none] +
Mode to export directory [read-write]
Hostname list. If exported read-mostly []
Hosts & netgroups allowed client access [@]
Hosts allowed root access [@]
Security method []+
Mode to export directory [] +
Hostname list. If exported read-mostly []
Hosts & netgroups allowed client access []
Hosts allowed root access []
Security method []
The error from snoop on the solaris 8 side
UDP: ----- UDP Header -----
UDP: Source port = 32962
UDP: Destination port = 853 (Sun RPC)
UDP: Length = 36
UDP: Checksum = AC38
RPC: ----- SUN RPC Header -----
RPC: Transaction id = 1137986725
RPC: Type = 1 (Reply)
RPC: This is a reply to frame 5
RPC: Status = 0 (Accepted)
RPC: Verifier : Flavor = 0 (None), len = 0 bytes
RPC: Accept status = 0 (Success)
MOUNT:----- NFS MOUNT -----
MOUNT:Proc = 1 (Add mount entry)
MOUNT:Status = -1 ((unknown error)) ## Expected Status = 0 (OK) Followed by file handle