Attempting to install Solaris 10 update 11 on a Sun Ultra 45 (single processor, 2GB RAM) off the official ISO downloaded from the Oracle website. File is verified to be good by the md5sum. Is there a log file I can view to see what the issue is? Where would the DVD installer store that? Any ideas on what may be wrong?
It is getting stuck at the installation at part:
"Solaris 10 Software [ Installing SUNWdefault-java ]"
with the progress bar at 3%.
The system is still responsive to where I can open a terminal and so on, but no progress ever gets made.
Thanks in advance.
Attempting to install Solaris 10 update 11 on a Sun Ultra 45 (single processor, 2GB RAM) off the official ISO downloaded from the Oracle website. File is verified to be good by the md5sum. Is there a log file I can view to see what the issue is? Where would the DVD installer store that? Any ideas on what may be wrong?
It is getting stuck at the installation at part:
"Solaris 10 Software [ Installing SUNWdefault-java ]"
with the progress bar at 3%.
The system is still responsive to where I can open a terminal and so on, but no progress ever gets made.
Thanks in advance.