Yesterday, I was asked to write a proposal that would help a software company standardize its processes.
The company is currently using C# on windows platform and intends to switch to Java on Linux platform.
They recognise the importance of UML and would like their programmers to have a common vision with regard to this switch.
The current objects may have been created without regard to their purpose and function as a result there may be cases of duplication.
The end result of this process will yield
1. Documentation of all the objects. A reverse engineering process.
2. A manual that will provide a framework to new programmers joining the organisation.
3. Training sessions that will help the programmers forge ahead as a team with the organisation goals in mind
There may be many more outcomes to this exercise that I cannot see at the moment.
Is there anyone who has done something like this and would like to share their experiences?
I am considering the inclusion of Personal software process(PSP) and Team software process(TSP) as part of the training.
I have acquired UML distilled by Martin Fowler. I hope to get the Team software process and personal software process by Humphrey Watts.
I am new to UML,PSP AND TSP and would appreciate any assistance, suggestions , resources or training via correspondence.
Thanks in advance.
Yesterday, I was asked to write a proposal that would help a software company standardize its processes.
The company is currently using C# on windows platform and intends to switch to Java on Linux platform.
They recognise the importance of UML and would like their programmers to have a common vision with regard to this switch.
The current objects may have been created without regard to their purpose and function as a result there may be cases of duplication.
The end result of this process will yield
1. Documentation of all the objects. A reverse engineering process.
2. A manual that will provide a framework to new programmers joining the organisation.
3. Training sessions that will help the programmers forge ahead as a team with the organisation goals in mind
There may be many more outcomes to this exercise that I cannot see at the moment.
Is there anyone who has done something like this and would like to share their experiences?
I am considering the inclusion of Personal software process(PSP) and Team software process(TSP) as part of the training.
I have acquired UML distilled by Martin Fowler. I hope to get the Team software process and personal software process by Humphrey Watts.
I am new to UML,PSP AND TSP and would appreciate any assistance, suggestions , resources or training via correspondence.
Thanks in advance.