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software in five years

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Dec 28, 2000
I'm sorry but I am going to ask it what is the OS world going to look like in 5 years.

we got MAC paying lip servers to open source will they stick with it

got MS fighting open source as hard as they can

we got linux growing fast and getting better woth caldera just now trying to make you pay by seat( a little MS sounding)how will it effect open source will stop it now. So long and thanks for all the fish.
My Preditions:

Microsoft will have lost more of their market, but still have most of the consumer desktops in the US, minus the power users.

Linux will finally be user friendly enough that it is a major player in the OS department, many of the companies will join their resources to develop a better, more useable product.

And finally, Macintosh will be a household name again, the kids will be wanting a ne Apple because they "look cool".
Mike Wills
IT Corporate Support (aka iSeries Progammer)
Apple now has the chance to grab MUCH of the pc market if they release OS X or the x86 platform. With M$ releasing XP, which may have many business it depts frowning in disgust, Applke could tkae thet and much of the M$ market right out from Slick Willie Gates' nose. And No one would be the wiser. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every moment of it.
I'll tell ya where the OS is headed in the next 5 yrs.

The conventional Operating system will no longer exist as we know it. In it's place will be the first generation of Nural Implants and the onset of Virtual Reality. This will force a compleate rethink of just how one communicates with a computer. The term Interface will become paramount in the way that people consider OS. Chicks will think that brain implants are cool. The OS proper will now exist in the VR environment, therefore the keybord will no longer be the number one way of feeding data to a computer. the moniter will be replaced with Goggles and the mouse with a glove. Peoples nutritional requirements will be met via interveanous means and the outside world as we know it will no longer exist as more and more people enter VR and find life on the outside just does not compare with "virtual babe 1000". Sheep will rule the world and and invent a way of travling through the stars and beyond.

It's a brave new world people, and I say bring it on!!!!

sorry Lokoumi but i think you should stay away from those funny cigarettes and SF books :)
Personally, I think Lokoumi should hand them around, I could do with some distractions at the moment.
Well for one, you're all probably wrong, Operating systems as we know them will not cease to exist, nor will Apple take over, the way I see it, Microsoft has monopolized long enough, methinks that maybe some sense will get into them and they will adopt an OpenSource policy, think about it, all the money they could gain from allowing users to do what they already do? And another thing, VR isn't a thing of the future, it is a thing of the now, the only difference being VR is still very untested.

People will make a way, and as far as we know, people may be able to design their own operating system in 5 years, what is to come? only time will tell, trends dont mean anything, what matters is that we keep all avenues open and dont let ourselves get taken over by microsoft. Anyways I'll shut up now. Bye.
somebody changed half the info in my response.... What came first? The chicken or the egg?
"somebody changed half the info in my response.... "

xshadowx...you probably said something that offended somebody. Bill from Tecumseh will be sending you a nice politically correct e-mail about this. I upset a lot of people a couple of months ago with my opinions on software piracy, hacking etc and my posts got edited. No big deal I guess.

It seems that freedom of speech is dictated by the venue in which it is spoken and must not upset anyone. Oh Well signs of the times. In not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
i've been a victim of the editor also...so much for tek tips of your answer is altered :-(
It does seem a bit strange to encourage this type of debate by having a forum for it, and then shying away when someone says something that may offend. Surely if these forums were here just so that we could toe the company line, there really is no point because the companies have said it already...

Sounds a bit hypocritical to me - either let us say our minds or desist from hosting these forums.
It's not a question of full freedom of speech. That's what newsgroups are for. TT is a moderated forum. It is moderated to hold professional discussions of professional issues. The front door flatly states that spam, recruiting, personal attacks, flaming, profanity, encouragement of illegal acts etc. are not allowed. The mgmt certainly does not read every single post and censor them. They don't have time. If you had a post edited it is because another member felt it fell too far outside the boundaries of professional discussion of professional issues and brought it to mgmt's attention through a red flag. It is all membership driven to keep it professional.

I haven't lost my mind - I know it's backed up on tape somewhere ....
Hey guys...I think we are getting a little off subject here.

Operating sytems in the next five years has my interest.
Not the operating policies of a country nor a threaded forum. In not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
Yes, back to the discussion. Is it possible(drawing on some of what has gone before)that computers will be supplied with a basic free O/S already installed on EPROM or its equivalent, its main feature to enable the owner to write his/her own full O/S using a public-friendly interface? If I may take you back to the early days of home computers such as the BBC or ZX81, these units didn't require an O/S to be installed, just the program you wished to run. With the tremendous increase in on-chip memory now available we are now in the position of being able to do this again, the only difference being that the O/S can now be of use on its own, and include such features as a firewall and many other apps we currently have to buy seperately. This 'hard software' would of course be free, the only cost being the motherboard, of which this would form part of the chipset.
Microsoft, on the other hand, may not like this idea very much! LOL My suggestions are what I would try myself. If incorrect, I welcome corrections to my rather limited knowledge. Andy.
thats sound great for though of use who know what we are doing but what about all those people who know nothing about computers it sure would make your first time user in a tuff spot. So long and thanks for all the fish.
but doesn't M$'s latest effort "Blackcomb", completely go against that? unfortunately, if M$ can pull this OS off you can guarantee the world will be using it buy the time it gets released. i made a point on another discussion stating that only a radical change in the use/development of software has the potential to change the path we are already on. this could be it, sorry as i am to admit it :-(

to be honest, i can't see hotfusion's version of the future being a reality. not that i have anything against the idea, but having a dumb machine is more usless that a handicapped one i.e. one running windows. and the usability of those kind of machines would be terrible.
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