I have a customer that has 2 soft consoles and a few phone managers. Intermittently when parking a call to a park slot on the console it disappears from the console that parked it but shows on the other console and the phone managers. Tried all levels of 2.1 admin and user (DT phones) and changing park slot id's.
Soft Console debug shows error e.g. -
10/11/2005 14:43:53 (3212) --->Process TFTP Error: cmd=801, reason=TimedOut
Also "too may clients" message in sys mon.
Thanks in advance
Soft Console debug shows error e.g. -
10/11/2005 14:43:53 (3212) --->Process TFTP Error: cmd=801, reason=TimedOut
Also "too may clients" message in sys mon.
Thanks in advance