We have a Small Office Edition with the voice mail small. We have set up the auto attendant with 3 options.
1) Goes to the front desk (2 phones) in calling group one. We set it to call extension 71.
2) goes to extension 10
3) goes to extension 11
The issue lies in option 1. When a caller hits 1, it will ring both extension 12/13 at the same time. If the call is not answered we need it to go to a voice mail box.
We tried to setup a failback (transfer return extension). We set this to 12 (the general mailbox). We see it transfer there after it does not get picked up on the first try (to 71) and the voice mail is NOT picking up.
If i was unclear I can explain more.
Thanks for the help.
1) Goes to the front desk (2 phones) in calling group one. We set it to call extension 71.
2) goes to extension 10
3) goes to extension 11
The issue lies in option 1. When a caller hits 1, it will ring both extension 12/13 at the same time. If the call is not answered we need it to go to a voice mail box.
We tried to setup a failback (transfer return extension). We set this to 12 (the general mailbox). We see it transfer there after it does not get picked up on the first try (to 71) and the voice mail is NOT picking up.
If i was unclear I can explain more.
Thanks for the help.