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sneaky little so-and-so 1

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Technical User
Oct 23, 2002
Not really an Office thread, but...I just received the following email.

The VIRUS [TROJ_GYPIKON.BH] WAS DETECTED in the attachment [UPSInvoice_9008612.zip/UPSInvoice_9008612.exe].
The virus infected attachment was deleted.
Le VIRUS [TROJ_GYPIKON.BH] A ÉTÉ DÉTÉCTÉ dans la pièce jointe ci-après [UPSInvoice_9008612.zip/UPSInvoice_9008612.exe].
La pièce jointe infectee par le virus A ÉTÉ SUPPRIMÉ.

Sorry, we were not able to deliver postal package you sent on November the 1st in time
because the recipient’s address is not correct.

Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our office.
If you do not receive package in ten days you will have to pay 36$ per day.

Your UPS

The email Subject was: Your Tracking # 742404091127
The From was: United Postal Service [support@ups.com]

Now, I would never have opened the attachment anyway, as I am paranoid, and do not open attachments from anyone, unless I have been previously warned an attachment is going to come. But I can sure see how some people would. Especially if (as...I am) someone did have a parcel in the UPS system.

Somebody either find these twits a real job...or shoot them.


My paintings and sculpture
Since there is a low probability of significant permanence in the former alternative, I opt for the latter, which portends an unrivaled permanence.


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
Line 'em up. There is enough of the <expletive deleted> to keep the bullet manufacturers happy for years to come.


My paintings and sculpture
At least you know your virus checker's up-to-date!!

I've been getting these nasties for months ... and, no, I didn't get caught (the first ones came through before AVG had filters for them).


[MS MVP - Word]
Now, I would never have opened the attachment anyway, as I am paranoid
That is *not* paranoia. That is just, if not actually common sense, what ought to be normal practice for everyone. Never mind unexpected attachments, I am wary of unexpected e-mail - and that one has three or four errors that ring alarm bells; I don't need a virus checker to tell me to delete it pronto.
Somebody either find these twits a real job...or shoot them


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Be very suspicious of an e-mail that doesn't know your name.

The best policy is to delete any e-mail from an unknown source. Which is a pity, it loses some of the usefulness of a global connection. But there is so much spam and systems are so vulnerable that it is the best idea.

[yinyang] Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Windows XP & Crystal 10 [yinyang]
Not enough paranoia about. I used to work in an organisation where the CEO managed (single-handedly) to import the ILOVEYOU virus. Shows how lonely it can get at the top:)
Just for reference - for those outside of the USA.

UPS = United Parcel Service. A private parcel delivery company.

USPS = United States Postal Service. The quasi-government mail service.

Gerry, you might consider notifying both of the above, as they both aggressively prosecute fraud.
The best policy is to delete any e-mail from an unknown source. "

Heck, I delete email from "known" sources! The FROM field has become absolutely meaningless. I get spam and virus attachments (caught by the virus checker)...from me!

The FROM shows as my email address.

FROM means nothing now. There are no "known" sources.

As I mentioned, I do not open any emails with attachments even if it is from a known source. I require prior notification. A text email stating that they are going to send me an attachment. It has taken a couple of years to make people actually believe me, but it is working (mostly) now.


My paintings and sculpture
Hi folks,

Remember: Paranoia is not proof they're not out to get you ...


[MS MVP - Word]

Although, in this case, one must remember that it really is NOT personal. They are not out to get you. They are pathetic little twits who think it is "fun" to get anyone.

However, that does not diminish the fact that they ARE out to get you.

<cue scary music>


My paintings and sculpture
Nowadays, most spam is produced for profit. They only need one success per 12.5 million spam mails to make a profit, according to a recent report.

[yinyang] Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Windows XP & Crystal 10 [yinyang]
The report I read said they *got* one response per 12.5 million; it didn't say how many they needed.

But I'm not sure that spam-for-profit is in the same realm as the virus-carrier.


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I'm working (slowly) on my own website
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